and I do know fresh garlic and onion have anti-viral properties (so does mustard).
That's right about mustard: it (especially the powder) can do wonders when taken orally, or even when it penetrates through the skin into your bloodstream. It was one of the most powerful remedies in soviet times, when i was little. If any of us kids were having cold,- parents were filling our socks with (a lot of) dried mustard powder and making us wear these socks throughout the night. It was hot to sleep in socks, but we were never complaining, because it was very helpful!
Yes, we can know for sure. Coronaviruses are all zoonotic in origin. Many, many deadly illnesses throughout human history have been zoonotic, but coronaviruses in fact are zoonotic, not speculatively speaking.

Humans can manipulate disease as a biological weapon, like anthrax, but anthrax again was zoonotic, coming from cattle farms. This particular novel strain of coronavirus originated around a market where wildlife was sold for food.

This "rumor" information is harmful and it's unhelpful to stroke people's egos by telling them its okay to believe it like there's no such thing as science.

Following up on theories.... I have heard an 'expert' with a theory that combines the 'released from a lab' and 'is zoonotic' (to quote FN, love the word) in nature. Theory is that the people that work in a lab in Wuhan that does testing on animals sell these animals, when they are done with them, to the live animal markets in order to make some extra money. The animals are supposed to be destroyed....

I have no idea if this is true and it is horrible on so many levels, it would certainly help to explain a lot.

Emma JC
Following up on theories.... I have heard an 'expert' with a theory that combines the 'released from a lab' and 'is zoonotic' (to quote FN, love the word) in nature. Theory is that the people that work in a lab in Wuhan that does testing on animals sell these animals, when they are done with them, to the live animal markets in order to make some extra money. The animals are supposed to be destroyed....

I have no idea if this is true and it is horrible on so many levels, it would certainly help to explain a lot.

Emma JC

It's an interesting hypothesis but currently I'm dismissing it as racist propaganda. Not that you are being racist but the origin of the rumors might be.

HIV/AIDS and Ebola both transmitted to humans spontaneously through consumption of primates and flying mammals as "bush meat." There were no technologically advanced countries to be suspicious of, just ignorant tribal people.

Same with anthrax. England did not plot to infest the world with mad cow disease.

The pattern is also stable for its occurance throughout human history. For example, a "carnivore" couple died in the past few years in a first world nation of the black plague by consumption of raw or undercooked wildlife.

Human stupidity really is enough. No sociopathic terrorist actions are needed.

If it's confirmed I'll believe it but coronaviruses are zoonotic illness. Zoonotic illnesses in the recent past include "the swine flu"...that wasn't made by any evil people in a lab, either.
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Hearing about so much stockpiling! I'm afraid many are just buying things up to resell at profits :mad:. Why aren't stores allowed to ration items now?
I don't to hear the constant news updates--as soon as I got to work people are telling me about the three cases, and the schools closed.
I do find myself constantly washing my hands- not even really aware that I'm it, and using hand sanitizers. And hand creme. Lots of hand creme! I do admit I wasn't expecting to go through things like soap and lotion at these rates, I had just bought another bar of soap at Dollar Tree because they stopped selling other things I went there for, didn't really need the soap--I do now!
I have alcohol and water in little spray bottles I'm spraying, and wiping everything
I stocked up on frozen processed foods, but also have fresh fruits. I've been a little leery on greens. Isn't a drop of bleach in soak water good to do with greens? I haven't had bleach in so many years--the change from 1999 to 2000 to be exact!
Hearing about so much stockpiling! I'm afraid many are just buying things up to resell at profits :mad:. Why aren't stores allowed to ration items now?
I don't to hear the constant news updates--as soon as I got to work people are telling me about the three cases, and the schools closed.
I do find myself constantly washing my hands- not even really aware that I'm it, and using hand sanitizers. And hand creme. Lots of hand creme! I do admit I wasn't expecting to go through things like soap and lotion at these rates, I had just bought another bar of soap at Dollar Tree because they stopped selling other things I went there for, didn't really need the soap--I do now!
I have alcohol and water in little spray bottles I'm spraying, and wiping everything
I stocked up on frozen processed foods, but also have fresh fruits. I've been a little leery on greens. Isn't a drop of bleach in soak water good to do with greens? I haven't had bleach in so many years--the change from 1999 to 2000 to be exact!

bleach isn't getting anywhere near my food....

I rinse things in water and that's about it.

Emma JC
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Hearing about so much stockpiling! I'm afraid many are just buying things up to resell at profits :mad:. Why aren't stores allowed to ration items now?
I don't to hear the constant news updates--as soon as I got to work people are telling me about the three cases, and the schools closed.
I do find myself constantly washing my hands- not even really aware that I'm it, and using hand sanitizers. And hand creme. Lots of hand creme! I do admit I wasn't expecting to go through things like soap and lotion at these rates, I had just bought another bar of soap at Dollar Tree because they stopped selling other things I went there for, didn't really need the soap--I do now!
I have alcohol and water in little spray bottles I'm spraying, and wiping everything
I stocked up on frozen processed foods, but also have fresh fruits. I've been a little leery on greens. Isn't a drop of bleach in soak water good to do with greens? I haven't had bleach in so many years--the change from 1999 to 2000 to be exact!
Grrr, I hope people aren't doing that. Profiting off this situation is so wrong. I think rationing would be good, too. At least people would have a better shot of getting what they need/want.

I'm using a lot of hand cream as well. Fortunately, I already had a good supply of it. I got a bunch for Christmas!
I'm going to make hand sanitizer as well. I will try the rubbing alcohol with the aloe gel and see how that goes. There isn't a bottle to be found in my area!
This is just so horrid for people already struggling! So many businesses are struggling-anything in service and hospitality. There are a couple school closings here already, appartently someone from Israel did IP work on a building, returned, and tested positive :???:. I just heard that, don't understand.
I stopped at a drugstore that advertised Lysol products on sale that was on my way home, just to see. The shelves were cleared! They did have TP and paper towels though!

Now Michum deodorant says "vegan" on the label! I didn't get it, but I am stinking for some reason. Gotta find out why!
ah, I feel so much better - my spouse is calling me a foodie now... I spent $100 today and picked up an amazing amount of stuff including the last package of Zinc lozenges in the store

I went to the dollar store to see if they had any gloves and found packs of 100 simple clear ones for 1.25 so now have two packs.

Today I bought, quinoa, sticky rice, couscous, some more cans of beans, chips, cereal, bananas, soda water, garlic, green chard, pita, pretzels, brown lentils, apples, huge dark chocolate bar, cocoa powder at the bulk store as I am going to make the Esselstyn Adonis Chocolate Cake with their tofu icing, green tea.

Tomorrow Heinz breakfast beans are going on sale for a dollar each so am going to get more of those and maybe some more potatoes as I have just 10 lbs left.

Emma JC
To be honest, this situation is starting to get my stress levels up. I'm managing it with workouts and walking in the nature, also my religion has helped alot. Today I'm going out to buy TP, macaroni, beans and chikpeas.

I have also been thinking about destroying some of my old diaries incase I'll die soon. :joy:
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Hello all

I just wanted to comment on what's happening here in the UK. I'm in England, and found that my local supermarket shelves were stripped bare of the expected items (toilet paper, anti-bacterial hand gel, and anything cleaning wise with the words anti-bacterial on it, plus soap with things like Neem oil in them).

But, also chick peas, loads of tinned stuff like pulses, baked beans, not sure about tinned meat/fish as I didn't need that, and bread. Couldn't get the high protein bread I like. Even the dried pulses were running low. I am reasonably stocked up as I was transitioning from vegetarian to vegan anyway, so don't feel I need a lot except fresh stuff.

The UK government is now advising us to keep our distance from other people if we are in public - stay 1-2 metres (3-6 feet) at least away from each other, hand wash for 20 seconds when you get home, self isolate and don't visit any medical facility if you have signs of virus. However, its hard for people to keep a distance on public transport, handling money, needing to visit shops, or get repeat prescriptions (as in my parents case), without going out.

I think I will get a few more pulses, if I can, and nutrient yeast, and hope this time there is some blooming toilet paper! The supermarkets are supposed to be limiting how many of each item you can buy, it was no more than 5 last week. e.g. 5 alcohol hand gels, but there wasn't anything there... Mustn't forget dog food.

Best of luck on your forays!

Forgot to add that some horrible people are now stealing anti-bacterial gels from hospitals here, as they are panicking or maybe selling it? I am astounded at how low/selfish some people can go. What's going to happen to those who are seriously ill in hospital, and staff/visitors don't have the protection?
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How do you guys store your potatoes so that they don’t “grow eyes” and roots? I want to buy more but I’m afraid they will go bad before we can eat them all.
How do you guys store your potatoes so that they don’t “grow eyes” and roots? I want to buy more but I’m afraid they will go bad before we can eat them all.
Hello KLS52

I have not been able to store potatoes long-term myself, as I tend to get the small (2.5kg) plastic bag wrapped supermarket ones, that don't seem to have a long shelf life anyway. Not much success in growing my own, although I tried, and just harvested as needed but that was over a few weeks from a large pot of compost.

I had a quick google for you, and if you have room for a small amount in your fridge apparently they should keep better. The main advice is to keep them cool and dark. I remember my mum used to get bigger paper sacks from farm shops, and she just kept them in her garage as it was cold and dark. I think the key is keeping them dry and aired, but also cool and dark, as it is exposure to light that prompts 'eyes', or 'chitting' as I think gardeners call it.

If all else fails, you could try planting them? Either a huge pot, water-proof sack or in the ground if you have space?

Hope that helps, but, I am sure there are more knowledgeable people/gardeners out there for you for any more advice.
Oh, forgot to say, that if I had too many in the past, I have peeled them, cut them into different things - chips, wedges, or small pieces, blanched them briefly in boiling water, and portioned into meal sizes for freezing. Nice for when you get home from work and can slap some wedges in a roasting tin in the oven. I have tried seasoning in a freezer bag with different herbs/spices and a bit of vegetable oil like rapeseed, which helps stop them sticking together. I have also whacked them in without blanching, not as good, as they can get freezer burn, horrible looking greyish bits (or maybe old potatoes?). Still edible if you close your eyes! 🤢 :)
How do you guys store your potatoes so that they don’t “grow eyes” and roots? I want to buy more but I’m afraid they will go bad before we can eat them all.

In a linen bag (especially made for potatoes) in a dark cool cupboard, that I got from Poundland.

I also have one for sweet potatoes and a third one for onions.

I found one box of zinc lozenges (finally) in a local CVS. I wanted another bottle of rubbing alcohol, but they were cleaned out. I made my hand sanitizer today, and it works pretty well. It takes about a minute to dry completely, but it's 75% alcohol and 25% aloe gel. :)

Oh, and I decided I "needed" a bottle of red wine. :-D I also got a bottle of Jameson, as my current one doesn't have much left (thanks to my cousin, who loves the stuff, haha).