Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

I know I've seen Golden Gravy in cookbooks, and a google brings up a bunch of different vegetarian/vegan recipes!
I found the one I used yesterday online. It was a simple recipe, too, which was nice. It kind of tasted odd by itself, but it was great with the soy curls. I believe it had a couple of cups of veggie broth, onion powder, soy sauce, dijon mustard, nooch flakes and flour. I flavored the soy curls with Better Than Bouillon no-chicken and some poultry seasoning. They came out great.
Leftover's from my festive stuffed butternut squash dinner.

I made gravy from a really nice homemade stock. I also added some porcini mushroom stock to the gravy, which made it quite dark. I use a deep coloured flour and vegan butter roux to thicken mine, which also slightly darkens the gravy.

I've seen recipes for golden gravy also, but they all seem to vary quite widely. I know Dr. McDougall has a recipe that has tahini in it, which he boasts as fat free. The food network's recipe is very basic gravy. I don't mind tahini in a sauce, but for a gravy that goes over mashed potatoes I just don't think so.

Made mac & cheese with my cheeseball thing. Pretty good, can't wait for my son to try it
Gets to the point where you have nooooo idea if something is like the old style or not. Doesn't matter of course, but I do wish we had other names for plant food versions (that sound appealing!)
strangely enough we haven't yet had Christmas dinner... very strange however we ate so many snacks and junky food when opening presents that we just didn't feel hungry and that basically continued yesterday - not sure if we will have it tonight or not - lots of noodles consumed along the way

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Kite Hill mushroom ravioli in a creamy mushroom/melted FYH sauce topped with sauteed
shitaki mushroons and grated Violife parmesan style cheeze.

Blueberry pie and Silk double cream.

The ravioli tasted good but where far too big in size.
I had a big salad with mayo and apple cider vinegar and some chicken nuggets. I had apple and grapes afterwards as I felt like having something a bit more healthy today.
I'm back in a cooking mood today. I'm going to make some homemade pierogies from scratch today. I'm using a really nice locally made vegan artisan cheeze in my potato mix, along with a small amount of roasted garlic. I've made these a few times and made the mistake of adding too much garlic. It overwhelmed my filling with garlic last time. So while I do love the flavour I'll add it quite sparingly this time. I intend on vacuum sealing most of them to freeze for later consumption, but tonight will be a feast of pierogies...yum!

We went last night as it was Wednesday. There was as usual, very little choice for a pb meal so I had
a BM burger with sweet potato chips and a salad plus vinaigrette. I forgot that they add sugar to the sweet potatoes so everything
tasted sweet. :confused:

Craig`s cashew ice cream which was really nice.
last night my honey made a great simple soup with me acting as sous chef - onions, lots of spices (turmeric, pepper, garlic, chili peppers, paprika), carrot, potatoes, veggie stock, chick peas, split red lentils, lots of kale and it was amazing - we had some whole seed baguette cut in thin slices and they scooped up the soup beautifully - before putting in the kale we immersion blended about 1/3 of it and so it was extra creamy

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
we made another veggie soup last night and although it was good it wasn't as good as the chick pea one - this one had black beans, carrot, celery, zucchini, onion, spices and a can of diced tomatotes - my honey put his usual 4 or 5 chili peppers in (which he is supposed to put only in his bowl) and I accidently ate one of them and thought I was going to die - head exploded... thankful that I had some oat milk in the fridge...

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I'm going to have an open-face soy curls sandwich with the rest of the roasted veggies from Christmas and some cranberry sauce.
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Tonight I'm going to make a spaghetti Bolognese with a tofu and soy curl crumble for my meat. I'd just use tofu, but I have a stockpile of soy curl crumbs in the freezer that I need to use up, so I'm using a combo of both.
