Supper/Dinner Time ! What's on the menu?

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I'm having pizza with bell peppers, sweetcorn and onions and some garlic infused olive oil. I might have some vegan cheese on top too and a salad with vegan mayo.:drool:
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My friend has gluten, dairy and nut allergies, and I am recently-vegan. My boyfriend will eat just about anything, so the plan is to make risotto for dinner. Problem solved. Just need to decide what veggies to put in it...
My friend has gluten, dairy and nut allergies, and I am recently-vegan. My boyfriend will eat just about anything, so the plan is to make risotto for dinner. Problem solved. Just need to decide what veggies to put in it...

My friend ended up canceling our plans. I decided to make teriyaki mushroom burgers using a recipe I found online, but they weren't holding together. I put the mixture into a loaf pan and baked it instead. It turned out really well. It got my boyfriend's vote of approval as well. I will probably have some leftovers tonight.

For those who might be interested, I used the burger recipe from this site: I substituted barley for the quinoa, and cashews for the walnuts, since that's what I had on hand. I didn't have ingredients for the salsa, but I bet that would make a nice glaze for the loaf.
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Dinner was leftover teriyaki mushroom and barley nutloaf, and a side of fresh carrots and green beans with a little tahini.
For dessert, I cooked an apple in the microwave with some cinnamon and nutmeg and topped it with a spoonful of vanilla soy ice cream d=
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I was planning a BIG salad as well, but ended up eating a big lunch. Salad is on tomorrow's menu, for sure. I am thinking a big green salad topped with either homemade veggie burger or some eggplant curry....
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We are watching the football tonight and I'm not sure whether to have veggieburgers, chips, salad and coleslaw or just to be lazy and order a takeaway pizza.
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