Homegrown Based Diet

John W Foster

Jan 22, 2024
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Ontario, Canada
  1. Vegan newbie
Hello all

This is my first post here. My wife and currently transitioning away from meats, primarily for environmental reasons. I find it somewhat discouraging that online vegan recipes and the recipes in vegan cookbooks seem to include lots of imported foods (we are in Ontario, Canada), I worry about the environmental cost of the transportation required for some of these foods, as well as the possible use of herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers that would not meet our safety standards. We are big time gardeners and have freezers and a root cellar full of our own (or locally grown) peas, beans, carrots, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, currants, plums, apples etc., etc., (either fresh, frozen or canned). We even make our own maple syrup and grow some of our own nuts and have our own flour mill. We realize we will always have to buy rice, some types of dry peas, beans and lentils. Does anyone know a good source of recipes that are focused on local, homegrown ingredients?

:welcome: to our lovely forum.

It`s very difficult to eat a 100% locally sourced diet. However you do have a garden which makes things easier if you wish to avoid herbicides etc.

As you have stated that you`re plant based for environmental reasons, methane produced by cows is far worse for the planet compared to transportation. I would strongly suggest that you watch the following documentary on Netflix if possible:

There was a series of books that was real popular with my hippie friends in the 60s. But I can't remember its name and the google machine has not been of any help.
But while googling I found a few books and a list of books.

Check out the "related products" under that book.
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welcome to the forum from a fellow Ontarian

Good on you for so growing so much of your own food. There are tons of recipes here on the forum even just from our What we Eat threads. Keep it simple - put in lots of potatoes, veggies, beans - oatmeal etc and spices where appropriate. You are living the life that I wish we were and still will eventually. As @Lou likes to say, don't let perfection be the enemy of good - getting away from animal products is a wonderful choice and I think you will find that meals will come naturally to you since you are already so in touch with the earth.

I can picture you with a woodstove and a huge pot of soup, always on the go and adding your amazing produce. Jealous!

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend. www.spiritualmatchmaking.com
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Hello all

This is my first post here. My wife and currently transitioning away from meats, primarily for environmental reasons. I find it somewhat discouraging that online vegan recipes and the recipes in vegan cookbooks seem to include lots of imported foods (we are in Ontario, Canada), I worry about the environmental cost of the transportation required for some of these foods, as well as the possible use of herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers that would not meet our safety standards. We are big time gardeners and have freezers and a root cellar full of our own (or locally grown) peas, beans, carrots, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, currants, plums, apples etc., etc., (either fresh, frozen or canned). We even make our own maple syrup and grow some of our own nuts and have our own flour mill. We realize we will always have to buy rice, some types of dry peas, beans and lentils. Does anyone know a good source of recipes that are focused on local, homegrown ingredients?

Wholefoods with vegetables are the best recipes in my opinion.
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