
Jun 29, 2017
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  1. Vegan
I've been vegan since I was 19 years old just about when I was going to turn 20.i have been active all my life but just recently I'd say 11 months ago, I started to workout for fitness and building muscle but it's been difficult to put on weight and build muscle but my strength is going up on my main compound lifts but I'm stagnant on my physique it's also hard to eat 150 grams of protein for me, any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. And if your wondering what my physique Is at I can post a pic if I can. Also here are my stats: age:21 weight:149 (in the morning) height: 5ft 8 (barefoot).
Jeff2health you need to have 10%-35% of your weight in protein. I am a vegan weight lifter and I usually get around 12%-16%. I have been weight lifting for 7 months and have gained about 10 lbs in muscle and lost 25 lbs of fat. Check out my instagram for recipes that will help with weight lifting and work outs that you can do! instagram handle: txnutrition
Jeff2health you need to have 10%-35% of your weight in protein. I am a vegan weight lifter and I usually get around 12%-16%. I have been weight lifting for 7 months and have gained about 10 lbs in muscle and lost 25 lbs of fat. Check out my instagram for recipes that will help with weight lifting and work outs that you can do! instagram handle: txnutrition

Thanks bro!
ive been doing a lot of research and found this application called Cronometer which tracks everything like calories,macros,micros, and water intake and turns out I wasn't eating enough calories nor was I getting adequate amounts of protein/amino acids and I was low in some vitamins and minerals I highly suggest getting the app. Also since using the application and tracking and hitting my calories and macros I've gained 6 pounds of weight the past 10 days which is crazy because I look a lot bigger and feel stronger but I'm still new to this and I'll check u out brah also what's you're typical workout routine mines a bit random and weird right now. And do you or would you recommend creatine cause my friends say creatine Isn't found in plants so should I supplement? Sorry for asking a lot of questions but do you take protein powder if so which one? One more question lol let's say I reach my weight goal of 165lbs and then I want to cut how would I do that? Like being in a calorie deficit is harder getting a lot of protein on a plant based diet and it's hard not to overshoot on carbs...I don't want to pay a for coaching so do you have any recommendations?
I usually do one hour of weight lifting and then one hour of uphill hiking or walking in a day to break down the fat- I'm a woman so I have to do a lot more work to get the muscle tone! I usually do a mix of arms/back combo, legs, and then abs. I actually get really bored focusing on one body group so I like to mix it up. I find most of my workouts on body building sites or even on instagram from people who post different work outs. I would recommend creatine monohydrate, here are a few I recommend

These are actually really good for you because it gives your body the boost to train more so you may see results because your body is reacting better to your workouts. Definitely don't choose a liquid because it doesn't absorb as well.

I do take protein powder. I'm a huge Vega fan. They have tons of different powders and all of them are plant based. They have 'clean' protein options as well.
If you want to get cut one of the best things you can do is add in little HIIT training- jumping rope between your lifting sets is a great way. Also decrease any kind of processed carbs like breads. I would recommend eating Italian farro, quinoa, and brown rice. I would also make sure to watch my intake of fats. I know a lot of vegan foods that are premade can have a ton of fat in them. Having saturated fat isn't going to help you get cut. Make sure if you are intaking fat it's coming from avocados, chickpeas, nuts, fruit.. etc. The less processed foods you eat the better to get the look you are going for.
Hi, not sure if you're still following this thread, but how are you getting along Jeff2health? I was wondering if you had any advice for my boyfriend - he's been weightlifting for around 10 years. Not competitive style but consistent at home workouts. Around 7 months ago he turned vegan (before he was eating a LOT of meat and dairy, as well as whey protein powders) and at first he was loving it and felt great...until he realised that he'd lost 3 kilos in one month. His goal at the time was to gain 5 kilos (so now it's 8!). Since then he's been trying to religiously eat 3000 calories a day but he's reaaaaaaaally struggling. He doesn't naturally have much of an appetite, and plant based food fills him up very quickly. Obviously he's opting for nutrient dense foods, like nuts, avocados and oats, but even with those foods he's struggling to meet his 3000 calories target. He's experiencing a lot of acid reflux, tummy ache, flatulence etc from the overeating, and so is really losing motivation to remain vegan. Does anyone have any experience with this or advice?? He's feeling pretty miserable so would be great if anyone out there has an experience to share. I think if he listened to his body he would be eating 2000-2500 calories on the days he doesn't do exercise (I'm a non weightlifting woman, and I think I would find it way easier to meet that 3000 calorie target if necessary, but I guess we're not all made the same haha).