How to change style a.k.a. skin?
Click the link in the lower left corner of the window. The default style is currently "Flexile Dark - Blue", so that is the link you want to click.
How to stop watching topics a.k.a. threads or stop receiving email notifications?
Click on your username (with the little down-arrow) in the upper, right-ish area of the window. This will show a lot of options including "Preferences" which is the link you want to click. Under "Options", untick "Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply..." or just the next option, "and receive email notifications of replies".
Additionally, you have to "unwatch" each individual thread that you're already watching. You can see a list of your watched threads from a link in the top menu under "Forums".
How to turn off alerts?
Click on your username (with the little down-arrow) in the upper, right-ish area of the window. This will show a lot of options including "Alert Preferences" which is the link you want to click. Untick all the kinds of alerts you don't want.
How to access the private forums?
How to multi-quote?
I will edit this first post of the thread with updates. Feel free to ask questions in the thread.
Click the link in the lower left corner of the window. The default style is currently "Flexile Dark - Blue", so that is the link you want to click.
How to stop watching topics a.k.a. threads or stop receiving email notifications?
Click on your username (with the little down-arrow) in the upper, right-ish area of the window. This will show a lot of options including "Preferences" which is the link you want to click. Under "Options", untick "Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply..." or just the next option, "and receive email notifications of replies".
Additionally, you have to "unwatch" each individual thread that you're already watching. You can see a list of your watched threads from a link in the top menu under "Forums".
How to turn off alerts?
Click on your username (with the little down-arrow) in the upper, right-ish area of the window. This will show a lot of options including "Alert Preferences" which is the link you want to click. Untick all the kinds of alerts you don't want.
How to access the private forums?
How to multi-quote?
I will edit this first post of the thread with updates. Feel free to ask questions in the thread.