Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

so lazy.... popcorn with a side of sauerkraut and then some Breyer's non-dairy vanilla peanut butter ice cream with three Dad's oatmeal cookies :scream:

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Hmmm.... popcorn, sauerkraut, and dessert... I can't imagine what that would be like. I know I'd like the dessert. My inner child would probably take over and impel me to make little ice cream sandwiches. MAJOR points to @Emma JC for daring and imagination!

My breakfast was instant rolled oats (uncooked) with soymilk and locally-grown apple.

I'm all out of dry-roasted unsalted shelled peanuts. (pouts)
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I used this recipe but made a few changes:
Instead of the tomato puree I used 1/2 tomato paste and 1/2 water as I couldn't find any puree
I increased the spices from a pinch to 1/4 tsp, increased the salt to 1/2 tsp
I added 1/2 tsp sugar
I simmered for 20 minutes instead of 30 as it was thick enough at that point.
The sauce was enough to cover 2 pizza bases.
I've attached the recipe in word doc format reflecting the changes I made.


  • Dominos Pizza Sauce Copycat Recipe-FastFoodRecipes website.doc
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I'm making fish tacos served with homemade mango salsa. For the fish I'm using Gardein fish fillets. It's a no-brainer, but should be tasty. I already made the salsa a couple hours ago.

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I had salad. Tomato and red onion salad. Plant based coleslaw with lettuce and corn. I also marinated some artichokes. That probably won't fill me up so I will have a snack before bed.
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Not sure yet…I’m thinking more banana bread but that might be a bad idea lol.
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I pan fried gnocchi last night instead of boiling it first.... in a bit of butter with some seasonings and then dipped it in a bit of sweet chili sauce, more like a snacky dinner with some olives and some grapes and a couple of stone wheat crackers

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Gnocchi sounds so delicous, like something I should love--but l've had it, and I never liked it! I would try yours though, it sounds delicious :rofl:
Did you make the gnocchi?

I made burgers with Butler Soy curl crumbs, flax, vegan no beeef boullion, and brown rice wizzed up and pan fried. They were reallly good!
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Gnocchi sounds so delicous, like something I should love--but l've had it, and I never liked it! I would try yours though, it sounds delicious :rofl:
Did you make the gnocchi?

I made burgers with Butler Soy curl crumbs, flax, vegan no beeef boullion, and brown rice wizzed up and pan fried. They were reallly good!

no, I didn't make the gnocchi, I buy it when it is on sale for .99 and usually have two or more on the shelf at all times

hmmm burgers from Soy Curls, haven't tried those yet, sounds interesting

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
no, I didn't make the gnocchi, I buy it when it is on sale for .99 and usually have two or more on the shelf at all times

hmmm burgers from Soy Curls, haven't tried those yet, sounds interesting

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I still have a bag of the crumbs from when I got the 12 lb box! I wouldn't use the whole curls.
First time I made half the recipe as written with less smoked paprika and it made me gag! Second time I left it out and used some liquid smoke and no beef boullion and loved them-
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that is a good way to use the crumbs - we put them in soup and I sometimes put them in my oatmeal in the morning

last night we used Soy Curls for the 'meat' in our burritos - it was excellent

normally I soak the Curls in a big bowl of water and add some spices and tamari and then most of the goodness goes down the drain - my honey suggested soaking them in a lot less liquid in a ziploc bag, which I did, and it was a perfect idea... still put in a bit of no-beef soup mix, some garlic powder and some tamari and just enough water so that it all soaked in and I didn't squeeze it out - then put them in the fry pan with BBQ sauce and put a bit of a brown on them - also put (in the burritos) jalapeno, onion, bell peppers, some left over rice, cheez, and on top, salsa, pica (green onion, olives, cherry tomatoes) and also arugula chopped - it was very good

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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A nice big bowl of borsch, with a slice of white bread for colour contrast, and instead of sour cream—a dollop of mashed, spiced cannellini beans.

Borsch: water, stock cube, oil, garlic, onion, chopped white cabbage, grated beetroot, tomato puree, dill, gherkins + some pickle juice, fennel seed, pepper, pinch of cayenne and allspice. More raw & very finely chopped garlic to garnish.
Mashed cannellini: cannellini, nooch, dill, finely chopped onion, vegan mayo, capers, white pepper, mustard, salt.
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that is a good way to use the crumbs - we put them in soup and I sometimes put them in my oatmeal in the morning

last night we used Soy Curls for the 'meat' in our burritos - it was excellent

normally I soak the Curls in a big bowl of water and add some spices and tamari and then most of the goodness goes down the drain - my honey suggested soaking them in a lot less liquid in a ziploc bag, which I did, and it was a perfect idea... still put in a bit of no-beef soup mix, some garlic powder and some tamari and just enough water so that it all soaked in and I didn't squeeze it out - then put them in the fry pan with BBQ sauce and put a bit of a brown on them - also put (in the burritos) jalapeno, onion, bell peppers, some left over rice, cheez, and on top, salsa, pica (green onion, olives, cherry tomatoes) and also arugula chopped - it was very good

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I found I much prefer to soak in hot water,then rinse, and squeeze it all out, even roll in a towel. Maybe just me, but I find they have a 'stale' taste if I don't do this. Then I add the marinade or seasoning.
Yours sounds good! I need to get some tortillas

I got spring mix at a discount price so kinda stuck with a salad--I don't feel like eating salad though 🙄 Salad is lunch food for me, but I didn't have time today
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Black bean salad with grape tomatoes and shredded carrots. Dressed with mayo and Sweet Onion Vinaigrette. Then a little bit of leftover mashed potatoes and carrots. Watermelon for dessert.
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I'm having a grilled Violife cheeze sandwich with minced onions in it. It was a very long day for me, and this is all the effort I feel like exerting on dinner.

I think PBJ might have been easier though. I should've thought of that first 😑
