Bugs - Not for the Squeamish

Carpenter bee:


So it's a male?
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Pickle Juice and her bug whispering abilities. You always get them to land on you!
I just chase them around, and stalk them.
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Ah, this thread is so for me. Insects are my favourite subjects to photograph! You cats rock.

I have way too many photos (and yet, never enough) so I'll just post one at a time, here and there.

This young katydid reminds me of Gandalf - you shall not pass! - but not nearly as intimidating.

For those in the UK, hope you are all watching Micro Monsters with David Attenborough in Sky (also in 3D). It's on now xxx
I absolutely adore Sir Attenborough! I hope this series makes its way over yonder.
And pffffsh, share your pictures, missy!
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