Bugs - Not for the Squeamish

Oh, cool. I will have to post my bug pictures here instead of the Nature thread; that's a good idea!
So we can post spider pictures here, as well, then?
Female garden spider. She was at a weird angle so I was not able to get any pictures from the front of her or the top. She made her web right in the outside corner of the patio but inside corner of the house, so it was difficult trying to get to her.

^^Yeah, I really dig the green lynx spiders. I see them a lot here.
They always surprise me when I'm hunting around with my macro lens because they don't spin webs. I always see'em lurking behind a leaf lol
I love bugs/invertebrates/creepy crawlies/annelids/mollusks/arachnids/insects/etc.!

My mother has/had a lot of good bug pictures from the days when I was careless and imprisoned them because I didn't know any better. I guess some good came out of it, though, because I gave plenty of caterpillars a safe haven to spin their cocoons and turn into moths!
Beanstew: LOVE the moth photos! I really like moths.

RM: Great shots! Were some of those posted on FB?
Rosie - Yeah, I used to post a lot of those on FB. I just picked a random few to add here. :)