Steve Brown

Jan 2, 2019
Reaction score
  1. Vegan newbie
Hi all,

I'm new here, thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Steve, 28 from Hertfordshire, UK. Ive been vegan for 6 days now after having countless discussions with various friends. I already feel lighter and healthier.

Turning vegan has not only made me feel healthier, but it has relit my love for experimental cooking and also photography. Trying to recreate classics out of vegan substitutes have proven tricky but also very fun. I also get the satisfaction of knowing that no animals where harmed whilst making any of my meals.

This has excited me and made me want to share this with everyone. I want to help create more of an awareness that going vegan isn't as hard as people make it out to be, it just requires a little patience and perseverance. Heck, it also increases your creativity and happiness when you create these fantastic alternative meals for everyone to enjoy. So I have created an Instagram page to help promote my meals so others can benefit too. I'm hoping that I can inspire others into trying a vegan diet as there are a lot of very good and sometimes healthier alternatives.

Feel free to give me advice on any good recipes you know of as I'm always looking for new ways to cook!

If you want to show your support or have a look at my page, please feel free to visit honestveganmeals on Instagram!

Thanks :)
Hi @Steve Brown,

I checked out your insta... nice shots. What camera are you using and what do you use for lighting? :)

I am trying to get my pics to look amazing :)