Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

My daughter’s MIL was sick back in April and wasn’t tested because the tests weren’t readily available yet. But she is a cancer survivor, 74, and was really sick with high fever and cough. She also lives alone. She was just told to isolate. She is one tough lady IMO. I would be so scared if that were me.
HA! Cancer survivors are tough. We are not scared of Covid. Covid is scared of us.
But seriously....
Cancer does change one's perspective. A lot of things don't seem that scary anymore.

Both of my grandmothers were cancer survivors. One got breast cancer around menipause and it never came back. The other one had a not-very-dangerous form of skin cancer for decades. They both lived into their nineties and died of "old age." They were both very tough and had a daily workout routine and yoga practice.
So the news is saying that COVID infection rates are going down in most of the city.

This says we got over 2,000 new cases today, 332 in Brooklyn alone. But where does the data come from?

That site seems to be fairly accurate but often slightly ahead of what the local news reports. I have yet to investigate its actual accuracy (lazy).

My neighborhood just went from Orange to Yellow (fewer restrictions). We keep getting more ambulances every day. I think I saw about five today, just walking the dog. This is South Brooklyn, not Manhattan, so that's not normal.

I think I'm going to start social distancing (stay home as much as possible). It seems likely that NYC will eventually see a surge like many other states are right now. I want to be ahead of the game.
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I'm going to call the lab and see whether I can get a Covid test done. I was in contact with a person who was at a gathering with the lady who has the Coranvirus. :rolleyes:

Edit ; I'm booked for an 11 am appointment. We don't need a doctor's prescription and the test is foc.
Still having a mild cough and a bit of a sore throat. No idea what bug that is. Obviously it's not SARS-CoV-2 as it seems.

Maybe I'm going to shop for groceries for the weekend in the late evening (maybe going very early tomorrow morning might be the better strategy though?) and I guess I'm going to see empty shelves of pasta, toilet paper and flour. :fp:
I've been stocking up with toilet paper every day. The man in the local shop must think I have a problem, lol.

My husband has to go and get a swab test tomorrow afternoon before his cancer check-up next week as a precaution.
Great news for the north-east of England from the BBC:

“Intensive care beds are less full than they were during the first peak.”

Presumably this means that a bed now has only one patient in it instead of the previous two or three.

Thats the thing. in nz things are very.... interactive. if i got sick i would most likely bug out at home as there is a high likelyhood i would give it to someone at the testing station even... depends on how things are. i do have a good set up here, vitamins, vicks, etc...
Shop was moderately full this morning. Got everything despite organic cucumber and mushrooms. Only the "usual stuff" sold out.

I wish people would keep their distance though. I thought of faking a little cough when this lady stood next to me by the groceries and that young man who could have waiting a few seconds more in line until I had my groceries stashed away in my backpack... well, I guess that's what I'm going to do next time, lol.
Shop was moderately full this morning. Got everything despite organic cucumber and mushrooms. Only the "usual stuff" sold out.

I wish people would keep their distance though. I thought of faking a little cough when this lady stood next to me by the groceries and that young man who could have waiting a few seconds more in line until I had my groceries stashed away in my backpack... well, I guess that's what I'm going to do next time, lol.

Great that you are on the mend. :up:

It's the same over here and I swear that people never used to be 'glued' to me in queues at the check out. :rolleyes:
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So I went to get my test (2nd) at the local lab and they look like they are in business as there were 3 people there. We are lucky as they do it outside and I waited on the lawn.
It was much better compared to the one at hospital and she only took a sample from one nostril. :up:

I'll have to wait until Sunday afternoon to get the result.
Well, my boss at my volunteer job hasn't responded to any of my emails for the past week (2 or 3). In the last one, I basically gave notice.

If I don't hear back, I'll just talk to the people on-site at the non-profit. And talk to someone else at the other agency. And move on to lower risk things.