Vegan Summer Berries with Basil


Staff member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
500 g mixed berries
50 g sugar
3 tbs lemon juice
4 sprigs of basil
A few drops of evo

Rince and pat dry the berries. Place 1/2 of the berries with 1/2 of the sugar (or sweetener) basils leaves, 2 tbs of lemon juice into a food processor and whiz until you obtain a purée.
Add the rest of the sugar to the whole berries and a few drops of lemon juice.
Chill in the fridge for 2 hours.
Put a ladle of the purée into a individual serving bowls, add the fruit, a few drops of evo and decorate each bowl with a few leaves of basil.