Should Men Wear Make-up?

I recently got a vegan tinted balm from Lush that I really like. Otherwise, I use First Aid Beauty (appears vegan), Fresh Sugar or Jack Black (not vegan). I'd like to switch to just Lush balms, if I ever run out of the others I have.

Seriously, I have lip balm stashed everywhere I go. By the bed, coffee table, my purse, by my computer, my desk at work.
Seriously, I have lip balm stashed everywhere I go. By the bed, coffee table, my purse, by my computer, my desk at work.

Me too, I have back up lip balms in case I loose one, and I always have one within reaching distance. I don't even think about it, I just carry a little pot around the house/in my bag/etc. I wish I knew how to wean off of lipbalm, they're not even coloured, but if I don't wear it my lips get incredibly sore and crack :(
I get horrible cold sore like spots when I wear lip balm.
I was just told by a (female) coworker that I "rocked" the red lipstick I wore on Monday.

Come to think of it, probably 95% of positive comments I've gotten on makeup has been from women.
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Nail polish has always been my weakness, I don't know if that counts as make-up though. I loved being able to change the color or design depending on my mood that day. I think I had around 30+ colors at one time, but had to get rid of them when I moved into a very tiny space. :(
I only have about 3 colors now and rarely do my nails anymore.
Yeah, I don't do makeup to make myself "sexually attractive to men". I do makeup because it's a creative outlet for me. I'm an artsy-fartsy type, but with little actual artistic skill. :p Makeup is an everyday adventure for me. I can also play around with identity and expressing mood through the colors I choose. It's self expression. I wish more guys were more comfortable with makeup, if they want to wear it. And I wish more women were more comfortable not wearing it, if they choose not to wear it. And I wish everyone would just respect everyone else's choices.

I *have* thought about the politics of wearing makeup before (and presenting in a typically femme manner, and the politics of performing gender - we actually had a lively discussion in my feminist theory class on gender performance last week), and I still choose to wear it. Wearing makeup doesn't make me any less of a feminist, even though *ahem* certain types of women would like to tell me I'm a failure at feminism for making that choice.
Wearing makeup doesn't make me any less of a feminist, even though *ahem* certain types of women would like to tell me I'm a failure at feminism for making that choice.

You'll have to quote someone here who said that, if you're going to make that claim about anyone here.
I googled lip balm addiction and got this site. :D From a quick scan, they recommend cold turkey stopping. :oops: Lol.

On topic, I like women in and out of makeup. I let my daughter slather on black eyeliner and whatever way too young (per my mom) years ago. Men in makeup is fine with me, too.

I don't wear anything except Physicians Formula pressed powder with swirls of green, yellow, pink, etc that hides flaws. I do use wrinkle serums and creams, one of each for eyes and face/neck. And mascara a couple times a month at best. I don't wear jewelry much either, and never was one to wear a watch back when everyone did. This should be in the lazyitis thread, :p
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I was never a girly girl. I didnt wear any makeup till i began getting into the goth look when i was 17ish.
When i moved away from it a couple of years back ive found myself going weeks without any makeup at all.
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On topic, I like women in and out of makeup. I let my daughter slather on black eyeliner and whatever way too young (per my mom) years ago.

My daughter wore a lot of make-up as a teenager and I really didn't like the style. Sort of a Cleopatra eye type look, and I really regret having been critical of it. I wish I had just let her enjoy whatever style she liked to wear. Now she wears a conservative amount to work, none when out and about, but does like to wear a lot when she goes out to clubs.

My granddaughter is 6 now and my daughter took her to get a mani/pedi. She enjoyed the day out with the 'girls' and getting pampered. Some people would probably think that's terrible to take her at such a young age, and that it's starting the foundation of being objectified, but I don't think it will do any harm. She's well rounded and very intelligent, has already been skipped up a grade in reading and English, loves sports, and has a great sarcastic sense of humor. :D
My daughter wore a lot of make-up as a teenager and I really didn't like the style. Sort of a Cleopatra eye type look, and I really regret having been critical of it. I wish I had just let her enjoy whatever style she liked to wear. Now she wears a conservative amount to work, none when out and about, but does like to wear a lot when she goes out to clubs.

My granddaughter is 6 now and my daughter took her to get a mani/pedi. She enjoyed the day out with the 'girls' and getting pampered. Some people would probably think that's terrible to take her at such a young age, and that it's starting the foundation of being objectified, but I don't think it will do any harm. She's well rounded and very intelligent, has already been skipped up a grade in reading and English, loves sports, and has a great sarcastic sense of humor. :D
My daughter when young wore very thick black eyeliner around her round blue eyes and straightened her wavy hair stick straight and put some interesting colors in it, not my favorite looks, but it all washes or grows out. I discouraged tattooes and piercings, but let her do whatever with her fashion and music, art, that stuff.

She's now 24 and wears mascara all the time, and fun lip and eye stuff when going out. Her hair is very long and natural. It takes her ten minutes to go from waking up to stunning. Ah, youth. :D
I can't wear make-up :(

It makes my skin break out. Also, since I stabbed my eye, if I wear eye shadow and/or mascara it really hurts my eye (I've got on-going issues with that eye now :( ) so even though I used to sometimes put make-up on for the rare occasions I go out/job interviews, I can't wear it now.

I do have a lot of lip balm though as my lips get very dry because I work outside. So in the summer I have to use SPF lip balm and obviously in the winter with the cold I need it. I'm sorry ladies of the world for buying into the make-up industry and making life worse for all of you. :( I'm an awful excuse for a woman, I know.
I have bunch of lip glosses. my biggest problem is that I forget to use them. I need to start using them again. I do use my clear strawberry one a lot and the other clear balms, but I rarely go anywhere fancy so I dont really have anywhere to wear lip colours etc so I end up not using them.
The thing I buy most from Lush is soaps and bath bombs. Right now though I only have 2 main ones: the Sweetie Pie shower jelly, and this thing called Fun which is a soap you can mold with your hands. I bought the vanilla/almond scent.
I've been contemplating buying a fun thingie, because soap you can play with! Do you like it, does it do the job?
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