Why are meat products always advertised with animals?


Mar 28, 2024
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South Carolina, Gaia
  1. Vegan
Hi y’all! Thank you guys so much for the warm welcome to forum!

Just wanted to rant a bit because I think it so insulting that every damn meat product is advertised using the animals that were sacrificed to make it. Anthropomorphic pigs on every packet of rashers, for example. I think it’s sickening that those Meat-Eater murderers display the images of their victims like trophies. Celebrating the kill as if the animal itself was happy to be slaughtered! Always happy and smiling whilst their corpses are packaged up and sold. It genuinely boggles my mind, but I suppose you wouldn’t buy chicken nuggets if there was a bloodied rooster squealing on every packet (not that I’d be buying chicken nuggets anyway). Just wondered if anyone else was as angry about this as I was?
Just wondered if anyone else was as angry about this as I was?
Oh, yes.

Lots of people.

The thing that got me started on my vegan journey was a newspaper article in 2002.
The California Dairy Board had an advertising program called Happy Cow. PETA sued the Dairy Board for false advertising. I found the article and law suit very interesting. PETA eventually lost the law suit. But gained a convert.

In another law suit, PETA found fault in products that showed idyllic pastoral setting on products like meat, milk, and eggs. I think the law suit named Whole Food Markets as the plaintiff. It also went the false advertising route but mostly calling out foods labeled "humane".

I can't find the story that I originally read but I found this. the law suit was also dismissed.

Any food made from innocent creatures killed senselessly could never be called ‘humane’. I wonder if laws against false advertising could be utilised to have those companies be truthful about what happens to all the little critters they murder. Having every ad for burgers show the interior of a slaughterhouse would be a big hit in the fight again the meatriarchy, but I guess that’s just a pipe dream 🤷‍♀️
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I wonder if laws against false advertising could be utilised
As I mentioned above, (are you not paying attention). it's been tried and it's failed.
PETA has sued under false advertising in the US at Least 3 times. And I'm sure it's been done by others.

Although the law suits weren't successful, PETA loves the publicity. And it works. I'm testament to that.

Not sure if making companies be "truthful" is really the objective anyway. The law suits create awareness by the public. sort of Not that the companies are lying - more like the companies are killing.
Hi y’all! Thank you guys so much for the warm welcome to forum!

Just wanted to rant a bit because I think it so insulting that every damn meat product is advertised using the animals that were sacrificed to make it. Anthropomorphic pigs on every packet of rashers, for example. I think it’s sickening that those Meat-Eater murderers display the images of their victims like trophies. Celebrating the kill as if the animal itself was happy to be slaughtered! Always happy and smiling whilst their corpses are packaged up and sold. It genuinely boggles my mind, but I suppose you wouldn’t buy chicken nuggets if there was a bloodied rooster squealing on every packet (not that I’d be buying chicken nuggets anyway). Just wondered if anyone else was as angry about this as I was?
Is this an American thing? I have never seen it in the UK or in Sweden.
As I mentioned above, (are you not paying attention). it's been tried and it's failed.
PETA has sued under false advertising in the US at Least 3 times. And I'm sure it's been done by others.

Although the law suits weren't successful, PETA loves the publicity. And it works. I'm testament to that.

Not sure if making companies be "truthful" is really the objective anyway. The law suits create awareness by the public. sort of Not that the companies are lying - more like the companies are killing.
I see what you mean now.
That’s an awful shame though. The publicity is a bonus though, and I’m glad it’s helped you -and hopefully a few others- see the light and help fight for the lives of animals. The companies are definitely killing, but I do personally think they are lying too, or at the very least disguising the truth. It’s just about getting the truth out there, one way or another, so we can fight the people enacting such cruelty
I see what you mean now.
That’s an awful shame though. The publicity is a bonus though, and I’m glad it’s helped you -and hopefully a few others- see the light and help fight for the lives of animals. The companies are definitely killing, but I do personally think they are lying too, or at the very least disguising the truth. It’s just about getting the truth out there, one way or another, so we can fight the people enacting such cruelty
Yes, thank you.

However I suggest you don't worry about "getting the truth out there".
I doubt if there are very many people over the age of 6 who don't know that meat comes from animals.
But yeah, I suppose there are those who do believe (or want to believe) that the animals are well cared for till the day they die. (actually, that was true about 100 years ago. )

For those of us who are abolitionists - it doesn't really matter how the animal was raised. Just that it was killed.

But there are people who are just as (if not more) concerned about how the animal was raised. Some of them may be taken in by the advertising. And even if we can't stop the advertising we can at least get "our" message out there via publicity.
Might be? I can think of Percy Pig sweets as an example. They definitely were made with gelatine at one point but I think they may have changed it up since (One point on the board for the vegans)!

Percy Pig is M&S's brand icon and has nothing to do with promoting gelatine. He is just a character enjoying 30 years of fame and M&S sell 16 million bags of sweets that are now vegan,every year.

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