Health Issues How's your dental health?

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
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I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian
Curious about the dental habits of the VV community.

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Do you floss frequently, or at all?
Do you use a Water Pik or other brand of oral irrigator?
Do you use a manual toothbrush or a battery powered or electric toothbrush?
Do you take any "extra" steps such as cleaning your tongue or massaging your gums?
Have you had any type of oral surgery such as implants or root canal?
Do you visit a dentist twice a year as recommended?
Are you missing any teeth? Still have your wisdom teeth? Ever have any teeth pulled?
Have you done or plan to do any teeth whitening?
What types and brand(s) of toothpaste do you prefer?
Have you ever experienced any kind of damage to your teeth, such as accident or injury to your teeth or gum disease?
Any cavities filled? If so, do you ask the dentist to provide you with mercury-free fillings?
Do you consciously avoid food or beverages that can cause damage to your teeth, such as sugary or acidic foods or beverages? Or do you prefer to consume these things and make a point of brushing your teeth afterwards?
Have you ever had braces to straighten your teeth?
Do you have "sensitive" teeth and/or gums that require special toothbrushes and toothpaste?
How are your visits to the dentist? Stressful or totally zen?
Do you have dental insurance or do you pay out of pocket?
Do you grind your teeth? If so, do you wear a guard at night?

As you can see, I'm really nosy about it. :p You don't have to answer ALL the questions if you don't want to. :p

Okay, my answers to my questions:

I brush 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at bedtime. I know I should brush more often, but I don't.
I tend to floss for a while after visiting the dentist because I feel guilty when I don't. That sort of ends after 2 or 3 weeks because I get lazy.
I've been using a Water Pik or other brand of oral irrigator for at least 40 years. It started when I had braces and the orthodontist recommended using a Water Pik to clean around and under the braces. It worked so well that I've been using an oral irrigator ever since.
These days I use a manual toothbrush. I've used battery powered in the past, but the manuals are cheaper and since I have sensitive teeth I worried that they're too abrasive on my teeth.
I don't clean my tongue. My Water Pik massages my gums, and seriously, after I use it my mouth and gums actually feel a lot better, and cleaner.
I almost had a root canal, because the dentist said there was one tooth with a lot of erosion and he was concerned about it. The oral surgeon took one look and said the tooth couldn't be saved and there was no point to doing a root canal. The tooth was eventually pulled and I got an implant put in its place.
I visit a dentist twice a year. I go with my mother; we have the same dentist, and she pays my dental bills. I don't have dental insurance.
I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was in grade school. I got general anesthesia. I got to stay home from school the rest of the day. :)
I have discolored teeth but have not done any teeth whitening. You know what was annoying? When I got the dental implant, the dentist offered to "discolor" the implant to match my discolored teeth. I told him NO THANKS. :rolleyes:
I've used Tom's of Maine brand toothpaste for about 35 years. I grew up using Crest, but I'll never go back to Crest or any other "mainstream" brand. Tis the yuck. :yuck: I use the sensitive teeth variety and try to avoid toothpaste with fluoride. (I used to get fluoride treatments from the pediatric dentist I was sent to and hated it with a passion.)
When I was in my "tween" years I had an accident whereby a movie screen attached to a wooden ceiling beam in the basement of our house came down from the beam (I had yanked on the screen to get it to roll up into the case) and hit me in the face. I'm convinced that this damaged the roots of my upper front teeth, and that's why they're discolored now.
Since I have a terrible sweet tooth, I've had cavities much of my life. It never occurred to me until I started reading literature on it about a decade ago that cavity fillings had mercury and this could be a problem. This worries me. :(
I do consume foods and beverages that are bad for my teeth, but I know I have to be conscientious about brushing my teeth to protect them.
As mentioned above, I had braces on my teeth. Big, metal, UGLY braces. I hated them. :fp:
And yes, I have sensitive teeth because as I get older, I have more enamel erosion. As mentioned, I use Tom's of Maine sensitive toothpaste. The dentist gave me a sample of a name brand sensitive toothpaste (Crest, I think), but I couldn't bring myself to use it. I still have it. I just haven't used it.)
Visits to the dentist for me have always been stressful because I have always had dental problems. If I'm confident I will have a "good" visit, meaning no problems detected, then I'm relaxed, but I'm rarely that confident.
No insurance. My mom pays my dental bills.
And yes, I grind my teeth. I'm not always aware I'm doing it, but sometimes I realize that I do grind them. And I don't use a guard. It never occurred to me to use a guard, and nobody ever suggested it until I visited a new dentist in June. I promptly forgot about it. When I see him again in December, I'm going to bring it up. Assuming I remember. :p
Short answer, I've never had a cavity, never had braces, still have all my teeth sans wisdom which got taken out by an oral surgeon when I was 17.
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I brush and floss at least twice a day but haven't been able to afford a dentist in 14 years, so my molars are falling apart. When I was a still a kid, I had a really kind dentist and he fixed up some of my weakest teeth, but it was never going to last forever. One day I'll have insurance...
I brush and floss at least twice a day but haven't been able to afford a dentist in 14 years, so my molars are falling apart. When I was a still a kid, I had a really kind dentist and he fixed up some of my weakest teeth, but it was never going to last forever. One day I'll have insurance...

I thought Canadians had free healthcare. Doesn't it include dental? :???:
In the UK your dentist recommends how often you need to see them depending on the health of your teeth. My dentist usually asks to see me every 12-18 months because my teeth are clean and healthy, once every 6 months seems like overkill to me if your teeth are well looked after. I had teeth pulled out to correct an overbite as a child (4 teeth) and a retainer for some months and then train tracks for another 18months after that, I think. Dentistry is free for children so it was all free, as an adult you can go NHS which is cheaper but you still have to pay (about £20 for a checkup and minor treatments).

The only problem I've had with my teeth is I brush my teeth too hard, they are sensitive and a couple of times I'd had lots of tooth pain and it turn out to be because I brush too hard - they hurt - I worry I'm not cleaning hard enough and brush harder - etc. :fp:
In the US the standard recommendation for a dentist visit is every 6 months. Silly me, I thought that was universal. :confused:

Renee, that's shocking that you don't have dental coverage, and even more shocking that you haven't seen a dentist in 14 years. I avoided the dentist for 5 years, and when I finally saw one, I had all sorts of problems that needed fixing. I shudder to think what your teeth must be like. :(
The only problem I've had with my teeth is I brush my teeth too hard, they are sensitive and a couple of times I'd had lots of tooth pain and it turn out to be because I brush too hard - they hurt - I worry I'm not cleaning hard enough and brush harder - etc. :fp:

I have this problem, too. It has caused me a lot of gum recession and sensitivities, like you mentioned.
I brush twice in the morning, use floss & mouthwash morning and night, plus usually brush some time in the day too.

Haven't been to the dentist in years. I need my wisdom teeth removed & sealance re-done (very expensive & I can't afford it.)

The sealance is because I have nearly no enamel left on my teeth. Also I have receding gums :( Generally my mouth is not very healthy but strangely enough I have never had a filling!
Couldn't possibly go back to using a manual toothbrush. Ugh, they barely feel like they're cleaning your teeth.
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I brush twice a day. I'm pretty bad about flossing, but I do floss my trouble spots daily.
I get my teeth cleaned every six months, as allowed by my dental insurance. Under my insurance, two cleanings per year are covered at no charge. I figure not getting my cleanings is throwing money away.

I use a manual toothbrush, but we also have a WaterPik that I use maybe once a month or so. I use Lush Toothy Tabs, which are a solid baking soda- based tooth cleaner. Paste is gross.

My jaw is too small for all my teeth. I had my wisdom teeth removed at16, because they were coming up under my last set of molars. They had to be cut in half to get them out of my mouth. I needed braces and some teeth pulled but my mom had no insurance whatsoever then and couldn't afford to pay out of pocket, so my teeth are just crooked and crowded. I'm sensitive to any pressure or pain in my mouth, I guess because everything is so crowded. I sometimes get a headache if I need to floss.

I had no cavities until I was nearly thirty, then had a bunch of them. Coincided with starting to date Husband (who has been plagued with cavities forever) and drinking a lot of soda. My dentist only does the plastic (or whatever they are) fillings, no mercury if I wanted it.

I do grind my teeth in my sleep. I have a clip-on mouth guard that was made just for my teeth, but I don't wear it: When it's tight enough to stay on, the pressure gives me a headache; when it's loose enough to not hurt, it falls of my teeth and becomes a choking hazard. I've had it adjusted three times and it just doesn't work. So it stays I the drawer and I grind away.
Also. Getting my teeth worked on doesn't really bother or stress me at all.

The only stressful part is how much I owe on uncovered or partially-covered procedures. More than once I've had to put off getting fillings for a year or more, and just live with the pain, because I couldn't afford to have them filled, even with insurance.
My dental health sucks as well. I stopped going to the dentist when I was around 10 and didn't go back until my 20s due to lack of insurance. I've had numerous fillings, crowns, root canals, and one molar pulled (cheaper than a root canal) and wisdom teeth removed. At the moment I have 4 fillings that I have cracked and lost and a crown that I have managed to pull off as well. I'm sure I've done a lot of damage to those teeth that are missing fillings since I've been putting off getting them fixed.

Despite not going to the dentist for years, I've always been consistent when it came to brushing and flossing yet I still ended up with cavities. I brush 2-3 times a day and floss 3 or more times a day since there are gaps in my teeth where the fillings were so food is constantly getting stuck in them. I carry floss with me everywhere I go.

It is ridiculous how expensive dental procedures are.
I brush several times a day and at night, floss every morning, and use mouthwash in the morning as well. My husband's company has wonderful benefits, and we go to the dentist twice a year. I tend to get a lot of cavities, and have several capped teeth.

I love the feel and taste of freshly brushed teeth. I absolutely have to brush my teeth as soon as I get up (if I get up in the night to go potty, I usually have to brush then as well :rolleyes:) and that makes me have my first cup of coffee fairly late as I have to wait for the fresh, minty flavor to fade away. Once I finish my coffee, I absolutely must brush my teeth again. :lick:
I have this problem, too. It has caused me a lot of gum recession and sensitivities, like you mentioned.

:( Yeah, I've been meaning to switch to an electric toothbrush with a sensor that flashes/makes a noise when you brush too hard. But they're expensive. I usually use a childs toothbrush because it's soft and so less damaging. Plus, it looks like a dinosaur. :p
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Yes dental care is very expensive.

I had a sonic toothbrush but it crapped out on me and I need to get a new one. After neglecting going to the dentist through most of my 20's due to no insurance, I've been very lucky in the last twenty years to have insurance and the means to have dental care. All my silver fillings have been removed. All my molars are capped. Some root canals. I'll have to pay out of pocket when I don't have insurance some day. A worry but I'm grateful to have teeth in good shape at this time. Wisdom teeth were pulled at 19.

Must go buy that new toothbrush!
I haven't been to the dentist in about 18 months but I need to go to get the sealant stuff put on my front tooth as I have a chip there.

The only problem I've had with my teeth is I brush my teeth too hard, they are sensitive and a couple of times I'd had lots of tooth pain and it turn out to be because I brush too hard - they hurt - I worry I'm not cleaning hard enough and brush harder - etc. :fp:

I have this problem, too. It has caused me a lot of gum recession and sensitivities, like you mentioned.

I have the same problem.