TV & Film Your favorite underrated movies

How did I miss this thread for soooo long? Two of the three that came immediately to mind (Death to Smoochy and The Game) have already been mentioned. I was sort of a Death to Smoochy evangelist for awhile, telling everyone I know to go and see it, heh. I know several people who've seen The Game, but only one other person who's liked it. I was in tears by the end, thought it was a *fantastic* film. David Fincher, the director is one of my favorites. Save the ridiculous Benjamin Button, I've not seen anything from him which I've disliked.

Also would highly recommend The Iron Giant (bring your Kleenex) and Election (which I've seen more than once).

Some other faves:

Nine Queens
Joe Versus the Volcano (Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan before all that Sleepless/Got Mail nonsense)
The Sandlot
The Island
Whip It
Grosse Pointe Blank
Sliding Doors
Bring It On
Punch Drunk Love
The Mist
One Hour Photo
Fisher King
Panic Room
Groundhog Day
Shutter Island

I notice that there are an awful lot of Robin Williams movies on this list. Maybe people go it expecting Mrs. Doubtfire and can't understand a grieving husband or a disturbed television host, etc.

Oh, I know I'm going to think of more soon. My dad and I often share movies that we discover on TV, Netflix, etc. I miss movies so much!

I've seen it a bunch - really like it!

I've also seen this one a lot. Great, great film. I remember reading that even though Shelly Winters won the Oscar for her role, it was a role she actually hated.

Cold Comfort Farm (1996) - Kate Beckinsale, Stephen Fry, Ian McKellen, a bunch of others
I've Loved You So Long (2008) - French film with Kristen Scott Thomas
Moon (2009) - Sam Rockwell
The Ref (1994) - Denis Leary, Judy Davis, Kevin Spacey
Greendale (2003) - written and directed by Neil Young
The 13th Warrior (1999) - Antonio Banderas, Tony Curran, and others
The Barbarian Invasions (2003) - French film
Sex and Lucia (2001) - Paz Vega
Dude....loved all of these. We need to go to the movies together!
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