Hi everyone, I am a third year Sports and Nutrition for Health student at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool looking to get some general insight into the lifestyle of dietary vegans. For my dissertation, I am doing 'A comparative study into the relationship between self-reported levels of health consciousness and health behaviours in samples of dietary vegans and omnivores'. Your help would be greatly appreciated with the short survey only taking 10 minutes to complete. Link will be below.
Ethical Apporval Number: 20/SPS_Marsh/ NU/005
A comparative study into the relationship between self-reported levels of health consciousness and health behaviours in samples of dietary vegans and omnivores

Ethical Apporval Number: 20/SPS_Marsh/ NU/005
A comparative study into the relationship between self-reported levels of health consciousness and health behaviours in samples of dietary vegans and omnivores