The Weather.

It rained last night. There was even some thunder and lightning! Another hot day today! We have skipped spring and gone right into summer.
What IS it about that? I was wondering if it was my imagination over the past few years, but we don't seem to have much of a fall or spring anymore (in the Northeast, anyway).
What IS it about that? I was wondering if it was my imagination over the past few years, but we don't seem to have much of a fall or spring anymore (in the Northeast, anyway).
I think it's pretty obvious that it is climate change. There was a report on the news about how temperatures have been rising over the years. We have also had extremes more often. We got a nice rain this afternoon and now the sun is out again.
It is an awesome morning here in Central Florida! A "cold" front came through and temperatures will be wonderful today, much cooler. This morning it is only in the low 60's and will get into the 80's later.
What IS it about that? I was wondering if it was my imagination over the past few years, but we don't seem to have much of a fall or spring anymore (in the Northeast, anyway).
Spring in Cleveland is quite the ride! Last week temps in upper 80 full sun, then days of rain and frost, more sun and warm, today back to low 40's and windy. It's always been like that, but more so these last years. Winter was also all up and down