Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I wonder if anyone here is from Norway? I hear they have a very low mortality rate and very lax restrictions. I'll let you all Google that yourselves.

We do have several members from and/or living in Norway.

You are incorrect about Norway having l. ax restrictions - quite the contrary. They do have a low mortality rate, unlike Sweden, which has much laxer restrictions.

This is from an April 7 article:

At the time of writing, a total of 88 people have died with COVID-19 in Norway. In neighbouring Sweden—which has taken a much more relaxed approach to combating the virus—the number of deaths has risen sharply in recent days to 591.

Hospitals are scrambling for dialysis machines amid the surge of COVID-19 patients experiencing kidney failure, according to the New York Times.

Those suffering from severe illness from COVID-19 experience differing levels of organ failure.

Kidney specialists estimate that 20 to 40 percent of patients in intensive care for complications associated with a COVID-19 infection suffered kidney failure and needed emergency dialysis, according to the Times.

I post a link to a scientific study on a medical journal site and you say I'm denying science. 🤔

There's a new study done in CA indicating more people than they thought have already been exposed. I know someone who took part in that study. They were sick in November and tested positive for antibodies. The data points to a factor of ~50-85% greater number of people in the state of CA likely to have been exposed already to the virus, even further lowering the mortality rate. I have another friend whose father died of a heart attack. Guess what they put on the death certificate? I *** you not. Is the virus contagious? Yes. Is it deadly? Well, if you are afraid of something that kills 1-2% of the population, then you should have already been staying home or wearing a mask outside and generally living in fear. We have people being arrested for paddleboarding alone, based on zero evidence of that person have or creating any risk to anyone. The surveillance plan has already been announced. So much for "conspiracy theories." I have friends in the medical field out of work; hospitals that have filed bankruptcy. I could go on and on, but it seems I'm talking to myself here. We here in CA are already on the other side of the curve, yet they continue to impose more restrictions. If you think that all of this is OK, I really have nothing else.

I wonder if anyone here is from Norway? I hear they have a very low mortality rate and very lax restrictions. I'll let you all Google that yourselves.

Peace out - be well. 💚

Something important about science that unfortunately you were apparently never taught at community college is that ONE STUDY doesn't mean crap. Like *a* study could be funded by anyone, be used to serve anyone's interests, and even be twisted by the media. For example, in one conservatively funded study they "proved" that meat can use less energy than plants, and therefore be more environmentally efficient. This is wrong on so many levels, from the actual water and land required for animal ag, to the deforestation and waste....but the parameters of the study were comparing RAW meat to lettuce. Not a fair study. Completely misleading. Very few people eat raw meat, and vegetarians and vegans eat more beans and grains than they do lettuce. The press got a whiff of it, and ran headlines convincing the general public that meat was more sustainable than being vegan. The scientists who conducted the study were forced to apologize, but by then, many ignorant people who never majored science already decided that all those headlines they saw were right.

Also, know that studies that showing there were more cases in California than previously reported, or that ventilators can harm people with certain underlying conditions in NO WAY negates the reality of the novel coronavirus being highly contagious and 10 x more deadly than the Swine Flu. More people have died of COVID-19 in America already in two months, than they normally do of the flu in an entire year. Also, the reason why America has so many deaths is because people like you aren't social distancing. You're literally killing people. Congrats.
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Also, know that studies that showing there were more cases in California than previously reported, or that ventilators can harm people with certain underlying conditions in NO WAY negates the reality of the novel coronavirus being highly contagious and 10 x more deadly than the Swine Flu. More people have died of COVID-19 in America already in two months, than they normally do of the flu in an entire year. Also, the reason why America has so many deaths is because people like you aren't social distancing. You're literally killing people. Congrats.

Uh huh. You may probably be unaware that the following is not an isolated incident:
It's all above board people. Nothing to suspect here:

Doctors Can Place COVID-19 on Death Certificates Without Confirmed Test Results, Minnesota Senator Says

However even if all the numbers were bonafide, one still has to grapple with which source constitutes the best "argument from authority" one follows. For instance, take a gander here:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2

Source: (New England Journal of Medicine)

Fauci has said the deaths from Covid-19 in the US are more on par with 60,000 - NPR Choice page

...which is roughly on par with the seasonal flu.

I've said this was a scam from the beginning, and I stand by that. The news media has been caught lying, empty hospitals when they are reporting massive cases, there is misreporting of the "disease" based on symptoms only, there is misreporting on death certificates where people have serious underlying causes of death, and this has all been planned not only 2 months before it "happened" (event 201) but now it's coming out that such a "pandemic" was planned way before this by the Rockefeller foundation(Scenarios for the future of technology and International development - written in 2010, which describes just such a pandemic in "past tense") to tighten police state agendas. Of course, there is also the vaccine push (btw - CDC has multiple patents on them), and the rollout of 5G while people are quarantined. All of this can be verified.
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I've managed to brew and carbonate beer for around 15 years without the need for an outside supply of C02. It's naturally produced when yeast comes into contact with something it can ferment. C02 makes bread rise. It carbonates beer in a bottle when a little sugar is added after fermentation. Commercial breweries should never run out of C02 as it's a natural byproduct of the brewing process. Neither a good craft brewer if they are making their product naturally.
Remember those Sunday Morning Comics where they showed you two pictures and you had to find out how many things were different?
Well, read this story and try to keep count of all the awful things reported in it.

Found dry lentils at the market today! Our local Trader Joe's had almost everything - all shelves were full. My wife and I bought 3 bags of lentils - we don't hoard.

This is the brand they had at Trader Joe's. I've never seen this brand before, but we assume they'll be good. Not bad at $1.69 for 1 lb. bag.


What a difference from a couple months back, when that same store had almost no cereal, no pasta, and no beans.
Google searches for "beans" are continuing to peak. I guess that Americans are actually eating beans. Or maybe just shopping for 50 pound bags to hoard.



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Well, we have been told that we go to Level 3 - Shelter In Place - next Monday. It will be like a lighter version of lockdown. Pretty much nothing new will be open ( except takeaway food). That starts 27th April.
Covid-19 cases are improving so much in New Zealand - today there are less than 500 cases now! The prime minister announced the lockdown would continue for 5 extra days, and then it will go down to level 3. School (going to start next week) is going to be online on Zoom.

United States, please start a lockdown. Trump, thousands of people are dying just because you haven't started a lockdown. Most countries have implemented a lockdown, and that is how they are recovering from Covid-19 (look at Italy or China or New Zealand). Yes, you have done some things such as stopping travel from Europe, but you could well do more. Government of the United States, please start a nation wide lock down and save lives.
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