Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

It really bothers me to say this because I never want to be on trump’s side, but I feel like the reporter was baiting him, and in true trump fashion, he delivered. I just can’t jump on the I hate trump bandwagon for every single thing. And it really pains me. :tired_face:

I think the reporter was absolutely correct in calling rump out, and as usual, rather than using that as an opportunity to correct his stance he persisted. It's like he learned to emulate comic book villians and mobsters to become the ruler he is.
He should be called out for every lie and slur and dog whistle

Just picture any other leader saying his words
I was making coffee this morning and took out a coffee filter (I use a French press and then put a filter in a sieve to capture the grounds when rinsing it) and thought to myself, hey this could be a mask. So I went and googled it and found this video/webpage and it is amazing. Is it a perfect solution? Absolutely not but may be good enough for those of us who don't have access to regular masks.

Emma JC

The following article is very good and is a article to share with those considering being vegan and who don't understand why the consumption of animals is killing our planet and us too.

Emma JC

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I was making coffee this morning and took out a coffee filter (I use a French press and then put a filter in a sieve to capture the grounds when rinsing it) and thought to myself, hey this could be a mask. So I went and googled it and found this video/webpage and it is amazing. Is it a perfect solution? Absolutely not but may be good enough for those of us who don't have access to regular masks.

Emma JC

I like to fill it with water and pout it outside. Coffee grounds are great compost.
I wore a bandana on my face today when I went to Trader Joes and glad I did. It was in the 30's and I had to wait outside. My nose always runs in changing temps

Hanks traveled to Australia with a Corona typewriter. Nope, this isn't a *wink wink* moment. It's all real! Check it for yourself, it's up on twitter now.
No one cares about coincidences unless they coincide with something newsworthy, but they happen-- all. the. time.
Smith Corona was one of the most popular manual typewriters. I had one from my mother I've been sorry I didn't keep. I probably have pictures of myself as a child playing on one. Good thing I gave it up as I may have become a victim of conspiracy theory if I ever contract the covid 19.

Hindsight is just manipulating the past to come up with personal stories of the present. As my friend always says "everything happens for a reason". As I say "no, everything just happens and you come up reasons"

Many many things are manipulations. In my mind the progression of religions being the worst.
Conspiracies often do more to contribute to stereotypes than anything productive. Like so many fairy tales
I may not be getting my point across, but whatever. I just wanted it to be more obvious (to me) that it was all trump and it just doesn’t come across that way to me when I look at the entire tape and not just the clip. He still turns my stomach and makes me go :fp:.
My younger son has always been a bit ocd about washing his hands and I've yelled that a lot. Your hands need soap contact for 20-30 seconds, you don't need the water to run other than in the beginning and the end!
Yes, I know. But this handwashing video is still my favourite, because cat.
No one cares about coincidences unless they coincide with something newsworthy, but they happen-- all. the. time.
Smith Corona was one of the most popular manual typewriters. I had one from my mother I've been sorry I didn't keep. I probably have pictures of myself as a child playing on one. Good thing I gave it up as I may have become a victim of conspiracy theory if I ever contract the covid 19.

No, as a non-famous person who happened to own a Corona typewriter at one time, no one with an ounce of sense would believe you'd be a victim of a conspiracy theory just on this fact.

But, if you were a famous actor/actress, and you happened to carry a clunky old heavy Corona typewriter that is outdated by several decades on a plane with you on an international flight to Australia, and then also contacted Corona virus, and then told the world of these things, thinking people would raise eyebrows. Seriously, who takes old clunky Corona typewriters with them on international vacations?

Tom Hanks is telling the world it's a scam. He didn't contract Coronavirus, but the corporate media made sure the world knew when he tweeted that he did because they know the average person knows who Tom Hanks is. His latter tweet with the typewriter is his way of telling people it's a scam.

Hindsight is just manipulating the past to come up with personal stories of the present. As my friend always says "everything happens for a reason". As I say "no, everything just happens and you come up reasons"

Many many things are manipulations. In my mind the progression of religions being the worst.
Conspiracies often do more to contribute to stereotypes than anything productive. Like so many fairy tales

"Conspiracy theory" is (now) a term in the west that is used to describe basically anything that doesn't line up with official government and media narratives. It was not always so. Several historical figures of varying degrees of prominence have spoken up about various conspiracies. JFK comes to mind, but there are plenty of others. People in the west (now) use the term with scorn in the face of evidence (that is usually ignored) because it is too frightening to them to believe that their governments, trusted institutions etc would lie to them. Instead of conspiracy theory (which to them always implies trusted governmental institutions, and not individuals like arabs with box cutters on planes), it's "coincidence theory" - that state of mind where all kinds of coincidences "just happen" because our trusted institutions are like a kind of god...why would they lie to us?
No, as a non-famous person who happened to own a Corona typewriter at one time, no one with an ounce of sense would believe you'd be a victim of a conspiracy theory just on this fact.

But, if you were a famous actor/actress, and you happened to carry a clunky old heavy Corona typewriter that is outdated by several decades on a plane with you on an international flight to Australia, and then also contacted Corona virus, and then told the world of these things, thinking people would raise eyebrows. Seriously, who takes old clunky Corona typewriters with them on international vacations?

Tom Hanks is telling the world it's a scam. He didn't contract Coronavirus, but the corporate media made sure the world knew when he tweeted that he did because they know the average person knows who Tom Hanks is. His latter tweet with the typewriter is his way of telling people it's a scam.

"Conspiracy theory" is (now) a term in the west that is used to describe basically anything that doesn't line up with official government and media narratives. It was not always so. Several historical figures of varying degrees of prominence have spoken up about various conspiracies. JFK comes to mind, but there are plenty of others. People in the west (now) use the term with scorn in the face of evidence (that is usually ignored) because it is too frightening to them to believe that their governments, trusted institutions etc would lie to them. Instead of conspiracy theory (which to them always implies trusted governmental institutions, and not individuals like arabs with box cutters on planes), it's "coincidence theory" - that state of mind where all kinds of coincidences "just happen" because our trusted institutions are like a kind of god...why would they lie to us?
Is Tom Hanks being held hostage and trying to give cryptic messages?
Why would Tom, or anyone, go along with having a non existant virus, while providing clues that it's a scam?
Was Tom Hanks prepping us when he have interviews discussing his collection of old typewriters? Just to make this "message" seem less suspicious?
Was Madonna entire career, where she normally wore such gloves and vintage things, all leading up to this hoax?
And the idea that we've been warned for at least the last decade, that humanity is asking for this type of virus, due to our decimating of other species habitats? Are scientists involved in this hoax?
If this was all manufactured, and not just piecing together puzzle bits of the past for explanation, why didn't you warn us all before it happened?

Simply put- if you feel this is a big manufactured plot, instead of looking in hindsight and making the story, how about talking projecting the future?
Like what stocks should I buy? Should I take advantage of airline prices and take that vacation I could never before afford?
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Simply put- if you feel this is a big manufactured plot, instead of looking in hindsight and making the story, how about talking projecting the future?
Like what stocks should I buy? Should I take advantage of airline prices and take that vacation I could never before afford?

Now is a good time to buy just about any stock.
No, as a non-famous person who happened to own a Corona typewriter at one time, no one with an ounce of sense would believe you'd be a victim of a conspiracy theory just on this fact.

But, if you were a famous actor/actress, and you happened to carry a clunky old heavy Corona typewriter that is outdated by several decades on a plane with you on an international flight to Australia, and then also contacted Corona virus, and then told the world of these things, thinking people would raise eyebrows. 1) Seriously, who takes old clunky Corona typewriters with them on international vacations?

2) Tom Hanks is telling the world it's a scam. He didn't contract Coronavirus, but the corporate media made sure the world knew when he tweeted that he did because they know the average person knows who Tom Hanks is. His latter tweet with the typewriter is his way of telling people it's a scam.

"Conspiracy theory" is (now) a term in the west that is used to describe basically anything that doesn't line up with official government and media narratives. It was not always so. Several historical figures of varying degrees of prominence have spoken up about various conspiracies. JFK comes to mind, but there are plenty of others. People in the west (now) use the term with scorn in the face of evidence (that is usually ignored) because it is too frightening to them to believe that their governments, trusted institutions etc would lie to them. Instead of conspiracy theory (which to them always implies trusted governmental institutions, and not individuals like arabs with box cutters on planes), it's "coincidence theory" - that state of mind where all kinds of coincidences "just happen" because our trusted institutions are like a kind of god...why would they lie to us?

1) People who are wealthy enough not to have to carry the clunky things around themselves.

2) Tom Hanks did not need to send a cryptic message to anyone. The Daily had a great interview with him in the last week or so. (Oh right. You don't like the NYT - oh well, guess you won't hear it then :dismay:) Tom loves typewriters! Apparently at the time of the interview he had over 130 and was in the process of gifting them to various friends to reduce his inventory. He's even developed an app that you can get that will make your text messages look like they were typed on a typewriter. He frequently takes a typewriter when he travels because he says he likes to communicate through the typewritten word. Sally Fields spoke about the typed letters she's received form him over the years. Anyway...

Old typewriters are really popular. I have two, a 1928 Royal, and a second Royal from the 40s. Glad this pandemic wasn't named the Royalvirus, or I might have been recruited for my former Typewriter focused FaceBook page called "Typing Practice". :lol:
Is Tom Hanks being held hostage and trying to give cryptic messages?
Why would Tom, or anyone, go along with having a non existant virus, while providing clues that it's a scam?
Was Tom Hanks prepping us when he have interviews discussing his collection of old typewriters? Just to make this "message" seem less suspicious?

Most of what I have come across as it relates to Hanks and the Corona virus is that he's some sort of shill for it. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt in making the claim as to his motive. So this part was my speculation. I could be wrong.

This person would probably agree:

Was Madonna entire career, where she normally wore such gloves and vintage things, all leading up to this hoax?

Uh, this is the equivalent of a straw man, if you took notice of an earlier post that highlights Madonna's role in this. It isn't just gloves. It's gloves on a Corona Typewriter. You know, because we should all be wearing masks, hand-sanitizing and generally being hyper paranoid about what we touch because of the deadly Corona virus?

However it's more than this. Earlier in 2019 - Madonna did a concert where she sang the song "future" (from the Madame X album - the same one featuring the Corona typewriter on the back cover) the lyrics of which involve people "not lasting" and not "coming into the future" and choreographed with her blowing down people in gas masks. This is all months prior to the outbreak.

All this is just crazy coincidence to you?

And the idea that we've been warned for at least the last decade, that humanity is asking for this type of virus, due to our decimating of other species habitats? Are scientists involved in this hoax?
If this was all manufactured, and not just piecing together puzzle bits of the past for explanation, why didn't you warn us all before it happened?

Uh, I didn't say humanity was asking for it, or make sweeping generalizations about "scientists". As for "warning you" people like me do not claim to be prophetic sages of the future, but we do understand that many times (not all the time) ideas are planted in popular entertainment with the idea that they will be accepted as inevitable at a later time.

Think about how many people believe we might be eventually invaded by aliens. It's an entertaining concept and has long been part of science fiction. Is it a great leap to say that a false flag event such as an alien invasion might be used for world-wide political ends and agendas? "We must all unite" (behind a world leader, a government, an idea) is the common theme of these movies. Much like the present crises - we all have to isolate...then maybe we'll all have to get vaccinated etc.

Btw - this (the virus, not aliens) was the theme of the 2011 movie "Contagion" - worldwide epidemic, started in China, origins from bat/pig, governments clamping down, everyone should isolate, vaccine in the works etc. The concept is called "predictive programming".
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Conspiracy theorists are their own special subset of obsessed.

There's no point in trying to reason with them, because they twist everything into further "proof" of their chosen story.

ETA: This article summarizes the psychological needs that underlie some individuals' need to believe in conspiracy theories: SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
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The county in which I live, and the adjacent one, are ordering all nonessential businesses closed and everyone to shelter in place as of Monday.
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Conspiracy theorists are their own special subset of obsessed.

There's no point in trying to reason with them, because they twist everything into further "proof" of their chosen story.

ETA: This article summarizes the psychological needs that underlie some individuals' need to believe in conspiracy theories: SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals

That psychological summary needs to be updated for small children who believe in Santa and haven't yet realized that the authority figures they trust are telling them tall tales. If we can get the other children to call any questioning of Santa a "conspiracy theory", and ostracize all the doubters we may be able to perpetuate the myth forever. Fortunately, parent's budgets are limited and lying to children is often done with a degree of guilt and eventual repentance/coming clean, with limited consequences. Big lies by governments and media are often much more well funded, and have greater consequences should people wake up to them. What follows is your programming of never questioning because it's psychologically easier to do so.
That psychological summary needs to be updated for small children who believe in Santa and haven't yet realized that the authority figures they trust are telling them tall tales. If we can get the other children to call any questioning of Santa a "conspiracy theory", and ostracize all the doubters we may be able to perpetuate the myth forever. Fortunately, parent's budgets are limited and lying to children is often done with a degree of guilt and eventual repentance/coming clean, with limited consequences. Big lies by governments and media are often much more well funded, and have greater consequences should people wake up to them. What follows is your programming of never questioning because it's psychologically easier to do so.
In your example, the belief in Santa Claus is the conspiracy theory. I.e., Santa Claus is the overarching explanation for why people around the world get presents on the same day.

Fear and a certain self-congratulatory narcissism underly so much of conspiracy theory-ism : Some people can't handle the thought that bad things can happen to them or the people they love, so no one was killed at Sandy Hook or Parkland. Some people can't stand the thought that others are financially better off, so that's due to a Jewish conspiracy. Some people just need someone to blame, so they think the government is putting stuff in the atmosphere through contrails. Some people apparently can't grasp the concept of gravity and are afraid of falling off a round planet, so they believe the earth is flat. And some people get off on believing that they are smarter than most everyone else, as evidenced by the "fact" that they have figured out "the real truth."

I think it must be very uncomfortable to live with that much fear. The problem is that, in many situations, that kind of irrational thinking causes actual harm to others.
In your example, the belief in Santa Claus is the conspiracy theory. I.e., Santa Claus is the overarching explanation for why people around the world get presents on the same day.

No, you have it turned around: To a child who trusts their authority figures (their parents), the belief that there is no Santa Claus is the conspiracy theory. I even remember this as a kid. The other kids who didn't believe were either naughty little children or (as I grew older) might be on to something.

Eventually the belief has to end because people grow up and presents don't magically appear and milk and cookies don't get eaten if left out for Santa.

This isn't true of government conspiracies and media lies. There is a reason your government classifies things for generations that no reasonable person would think needs classification. They are lying. And in the USA especially, questioning your government ...especially on the big questions like who killed JFK and such is considered a "conspiracy theory". It's like many Americans are little kids who trust their government to be their god. A surrogate for lying parents who teach Santa - just much larger in scope and with a lot more resources.

Fear and a certain self-congratulatory narcissism underly so much of conspiracy theory-ism : Some people can't handle the thought that bad things can happen to them or the people they love, so no one was killed at Sandy Hook or Parkland. Some people can't stand the thought that others are financially better off, so that's due to a Jewish conspiracy. Some people just need someone to blame, so they think the government is putting stuff in the atmosphere through contrails. Some people apparently can't grasp the concept of gravity and are afraid of falling off a round planet, so they believe the earth is flat. And some people get off on believing that they are smarter than most everyone else, as evidenced by the "fact" that they have figured out "the real truth."

I think it must be very uncomfortable to live with that much fear. The problem is that, in many situations, that kind of irrational thinking causes actual harm to others.

I don't live in fear, you've got this turned around too. I have the courage to question narratives and come to conclusions on my own without fearing people with your mindset. You fear standing out. You fear crowd disapproval. I don't give a **** about those things. I like truth and despise being lied to.

Oh, and about the Jewish conspiracy/money being a result of envy. Try telling that to Henry Ford, who was extremely successful and who authored the book "the International Jew". Oh wait, I forgot. This isn't part of the bs US public/government education I got or the corporate media that muddles US minds...sorry...carry on

Or try Nicola Tesla...who stated that the stars are attached to the firmament. You know what that means right? He didn't believe in space. This is the guy who invented so much, not least of which is the alternating current you use. But no, he must have not grasped the concept of gravity to make such a statement and call Einstein's theory of relativity bunk.

Hear about all this watching cnn, abc, nbc, nightly news, business week or any other corporate news outlet, corporately sponsored program or in your government indoctrination?

Well no, of course you didn't. My guess is that it's too hard to go against what amounts to probably a lifetime of being steeped in Grade A USA garbage propaganda. The government you got when you let the usurers take over your money supply, push the country in world wars, and run it's education and media. THAT government.
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I'm not in any at risk group so I can go out to shops or the pharmacy if I need to but I'm mostly trying to stay indoors. I'm staying away from London public transport completely at this time. I was actually ill earlier in the year so I think I might be one of the people who already had it and it was just fairly mild for me. I did have a very annoying cough when I was ill.