Supper/Dinner Time! What's on the menu ?

Ready Veggie Fries... carrot, parsnip, beet frozen and oven ready (for the Canadians, it is a PC package) along with a Chipotle FieldRoast sausage on a bun with cheez, mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut - for dessert homemade raisin loaf ( I won't admit to how many slices, buddered)

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Ready Veggie Fries... carrot, parsnip, beet frozen and oven ready (for the Canadians, it is a PC package) along with a Chipotle FieldRoast sausage on a bun with cheez, mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut - for dessert homemade raisin loaf ( I won't admit to how many slices, buddered)

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I'll have to look for those. They sound good! I was going to have PC Vegetable Pot Stickers for supper last night but on rereading the ingredients, found out the filling had oysters and oyster sauce in it. Not only yuck but a big YUCK. Something else to hand off to SIL when she comes for a visit. Along with Compliments Potato and Onion Perogies I don't like. Love the Farm Boy Potato and Fried Onion ones though!
I'll have to look for those. They sound good! I was going to have PC Vegetable Pot Stickers for supper last night but on rereading the ingredients, found out the filling had oysters and oyster sauce in it. Not only yuck but a big YUCK.

thank you for pointing that out - I have never read the ingredients so I won't be buying them again :sniff:

last night we had refried bean dip with onion, jalapeno, zucchini, red pepper, olive, cherry tomato, salsa, spices and scooped up with tortilla chips

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.