I'm amazed no one has mentioned chia seeds! If you were to consumed 4 tbls of chia seeds in a day (easy to do by adding them to soups, sandwiches, smoothies, salads, fortifying your seitan, etc.) you would intake 50% of daily recommended fiber, 10 grams of omega 3's and 8 grams of protein which also holds all nine essentials.

And don't forget, when people talk about making sure we acquire a sufficient amount of the nine essential amino acids, that as long as you are eating a wide range of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and leafy greens in a day then you will have no problems with receiving not only the required amino acids but plenty of protein with out having to worry or counting your macros and micros.
i wont lie i dont even know what macros and micros are im so really not counting anything at the moment.
i need to educate myself i guess. thank you :)
Its not i dont like Seitan it just takes a while to make,

ANy quick cooking suggestions, and also suggestions to really get rid of the flour taste.

Thanks :)

It's actually quite easy to make. We have numerous seitan threads but this one seems to give quite a few helpful tips. If the finished product tastes of flour, it's because it's undercooked.
I use the simmering method and you do not need a food processor to make it. It actually needs very little kneading.

Botanically speaking it is a seed. But the grocer puts it with the grains.
It's like tomatoes. they are botanically a fruit. but everyone thinks of them as vegetables.:cool:

Yes, it's a pseudo grain. But since we're taking nutrition, it's helpful to know what your actually eating. It's a to choice for little who are allergic to grains. 😊
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i wont lie i dont even know what macros and micros are im so really not counting anything at the moment.
i need to educate myself i guess. thank you :)

Macros are the three areas where we acquire our calories (energy) from - carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Micros are basically everything else including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

My point being is that as long as you eat a balanced diet and keep up with daily exercise then there really is no reason you'd need to worry about taking in sufficient amounts of macros and micros, including protein ( unless you are trying to shoot for the next Mr. or Mrs. Olympia ).
I like to add nut butter to oatmeal. It gets all melty and delicious. You can also throw in chia seeds, chopped nuts, fruit. Cook the oats with soy milk (instead of water) for even more protein. This is my post-workout snack on weight lifting day.

Another easy snack: steamed and salted edamame.