Nutrition & Diet July Health Challenge

I hear's really hard. I'm really just trying to convince myself that getting physically fit is more important. Some days it's easier than others.

And there is a very active, naughty kitten trying to sabotage my typing efforts...:kitty:
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I've been holding my own...for awhile I was getting out there every other day, but now I'm on three-in-a-row. I lost a few pounds, which is nice, but I am determined to make it more about healthy exercise than about losing weight. I'm pretty disciplined with going for my walks...cutting back on the snacking is another story. It's just becoming more and more apparent that at my age, that I really need to cut back on calories and up my physical activity. I just don't want to. I want to be able to eat like I did when I was younger...damn, but I had an awesome metabolism back then. :p
I have finally (after many years) come the same realization, and it took a while for me to actually do it, because I didn't want to, either. It doesn't work for me unless I get in a good five days of exercise a week and cut down on the snacking, end of story. *sigh* I just got tired of looking at a frumpy, dumpy woman in the mirror. :D. I also wanted to weigh less and be in better shape for all of the hiking trips I go on. I can't tell you how much of a difference losing 10 pounds from last year made on this year's trip. Plus, the weights I have been doing really helped with endurance. I'm in a good groove at the moment, and I'd like to keep it up. I'm down 5.2 pounds for the month, which is a pound more than my goal for this month. I'm a happy camper at the moment. I would like to lose 10 more and be done with it, lol, and just maintain a healthy body weight. I can see that part of the finish line, finally. Since 2011, I'm down 31 pounds. It hasn't been easy a lot of the time, but it has been worth it.

I gained 2lbs :( which means I now have 4 to lose if I want to meet my weight goal at the end of the month. I know it's not all about weight, and the healthy choices are the more important thing, but it's hard not to take it badly when the hard work doesn't pay off...
Hang in there AF. I know it can be frustrating, but you are smart to focus on the much better choices you are making. Maybe it was just a little water weight. It happens to me if I have a lot of salt in my diet a day or two before I weigh in.
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