July Health Challenge (2016)

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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
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Post your health goals and support your fellow VVers with theirs! Health goals can be anything health-related, whether mental or physical - not necessarily just exercise and weight loss!

Last month's thread is here :

June Health Challenge
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Lord only knows what my exercise will be this weekend as I am spending it with the grandchildren. :stinkeye:

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That is great, Chryssie!

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Congrats Jeremy & Chryssie! Great to see you guys meeting your goals :)

I got some sad news today - my CrossFit gym closed down on Sunday :( really wasn't expecting that, no warning at all... I was actually getting ready to go take a lunchtime class when I found out! Now I need to find a new gym, which is really annoying. I felt so at home at my old one, all the instructors were amazing, and I was making some great progress with my strength.

I'm also not going to be able to do much Roller Derby training for a couple of months, because the trams (the only public transport that can get me there and back) are closed for maintenance until the end of August.

So, I'm just going to do the best I can. Eat well, do lots of walking, get to training when I can, and find a new CrossFit gym ASAP.
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Week 3, Day 1 of Couch to 5k complete.. Brisk 5 minute warm up walk, and then two repetitions of 1.5 minute run, 1.5 minute walk and 3 minute run, 3 minute walk. FSM almighty help me, haha!
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Wow that is a bummer AF! I hope you can find a gym soon!

Thanks :) I actually already found one! Well, a potential one. I'm going in to meet them and train on Wednesday, to see if I like it there (and if the trainers seem to know what they're doing and all that jazz). I hope I do, it's actually a fair bit closer to my house than the other one, so it'll save me about 20 minutes of travel each way.
I want to bike 3-4 times a week again. I'm trying to improve my endurance so that short rides (to the garden plot and back) don't make my legs feel sore. So far I'm biking maybe 2-3 times a week.

My other goal is to do about 10 minutes of hips/hamstrings stretches every day.

As for mental health, I'm trying to be nicer to myself. This month I'm going to get another hair cut and buy more clothes.

Hopefully I'll be approved soon for my partners health insurance plan. Then I can go to the chiropractor for a long overdue appointment.
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Thanks :) I actually already found one! Well, a potential one. I'm going in to meet them and train on Wednesday, to see if I like it there (and if the trainers seem to know what they're doing and all that jazz). I hope I do, it's actually a fair bit closer to my house than the other one, so it'll save me about 20 minutes of travel each way.
Funny how things seem to work out!

I've put exercise & general wellbeing being at the bottom of my list of priorities lately, and feel pretty horrible for it. I've put on some weight so would like to drop those few pounds. Generally need to get back to eating well & getting one more workout in a week (currently only fitting it on on days off, so twice a week...not enough.)
Hey, everyone! I had a busy 4th of July weekend, but I managed to get in two nice walks. I've slacked a bit on the challenge at work on account of simply having too much to do (and too much fun, haha). I will get back on track with the step counting and hopefully hit my targets at least five days a week. It's going to be really humid this week, so I might have to do some gym work, as my body and humidity do not mix well.

Goals for July: Continue with the steps challenge at work, which means cardio at least five days a week. I'm going to shoot for six, though.
Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day
Work on the core (I've slack again on that, sigh...too busy counting those dang Fitbit steps. :D)
Lose 3 pounds (they are being very stubborn)
Watch the white carbs and sweets treats
Get more sleep!
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I walked for 35 minutes on the treadmill again today. Now that I am working 5 days straight, I will not be getting on it, I don't think. I have ordered a Fitbit though which I can pick up as soon as I get over to WalMart. I want to see how many steps I walk when I am working the floor. I have been curious about this for a while now and I consider 5+ hours on my feet a decent workout!
Let me know how it does with tracking your sleep.
I don't think the basic Fitbit I am getting tracks sleep. It is the Zip which is the cheap little clip on one.
I did dumbbell leg workout and I walked an hour today (3.5mph) today since it was an off day for Couch to 5k. Whew, 286 calories burned from the walking alone.
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I don't think the basic Fitbit I am getting tracks sleep. It is the Zip which is the cheap little clip on one.
Oh, I thought they all tracked sleep. I don't know much about the different models. I bet you will like it. It does give you the incentive to walk more and get in more steps.
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