January Health Challenge (2017)

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If I can do 20 min. pretty much everyday I'll get that Total Gym knockoff. I did like that when I had one
Well I guess it was meant to be! :p I found this 'onlineliquidationauction' site and started browsing. They put all kinds of stuff that gets returned, damaged through shipping or stuff like that. I saw this and bid $50.00 and I won! It was a 30 minute drive to the warehouse to pick it up and the box was pretty damaged, but it was in fine shape! I had the cheap total gym and like this better. It goes for $135 at amazon and walmart
My exercise routine so far for January at this new gym has been:

Monday: weight machines and free weights for about 40 minutes; 40 minutes cardio and 5 minute stretch/cool down

Tuesday: one hour Pilates class; half hour of dancing and ballet/dance exercises/improv afterwards in same studio

Wednesday: day off to rest OR do a home workout in my basement gym consisting of 30 minutes of free weights and half hour of treadmill OR play around with dancing/choreography at the fitness center studio

Thursday: one hour Pilates class; half hour of dancing and ballet/dance exercises after wards

Friday: weight machines and free weights for about 40 to 45 minutes; 40 minutes cardio and 5 minute stretch/cool down

Saturday: day off exercise OR hike/snowshoe/walk outside with my partner depending on weather and if I took a day off Wednesday or not

Sunday: favorite day of all...1.5 hours of dancing/choreography/improv at the fitness center studio. It's quiet at 9 am when they first open Sundays and doesn't get busy til 10:15 to 10:30 so that gives me time to really dance full out without distraction or feeling self conscious with too many people watching. I can always tell when my dancing is getting interesting because people suddenly turn their heads and watch lol.

My body is feeling a little tighter and slightly more toned. Though the Pilates class is difficult, it is really a challenging workout and pushes me beyond my comfort zone. I love the core work involved, the breath work, the simplicity of it. And it is low key, not a high strung class.

I am working on a goal right now to build stamina and energy so I can get through longer periods of explosive dancing. Practice practice practice!
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Losing all motivation and hope. I'm about to resign myself to the fact that I will have to wait for spring, when I can get outside, in order to pick up on a daily routine. The trampoline isn't working out as it is aggravating some previous hip/back issues. I'm still going to try using it but will have to tone down the workouts.
KLS I know lots of people use videos or video games for a workout. Would that be a possibility for you? I have tried youtube videos a couple times and there are TONS of them. Maybe you could get a hula hoop like me! It doesn't seem to be hard on the back but I don't know what kind of motion aggravates your issues.
KLS, do you enjoy dancing at all? Sometimes I will just put on some tunes and dance away for half an hour or 45 minutes. I like the video ideas as well. I do the Leslie Sansone walking videos. They are a lot like low-impact aerobics and you can tone them down or bump them up depending on your needs. There are some free ones on YouTube. You really can make them as intense or not as intense as you want.
KLS I know lots of people use videos or video games for a workout. Would that be a possibility for you? I have tried youtube videos a couple times and there are TONS of them. Maybe you could get a hula hoop like me! It doesn't seem to be hard on the back but I don't know what kind of motion aggravates your issues.
KLS, do you enjoy dancing at all? Sometimes I will just put on some tunes and dance away for half an hour or 45 minutes. I like the video ideas as well. I do the Leslie Sansone walking videos. They are a lot like low-impact aerobics and you can tone them down or bump them up depending on your needs. There are some free ones on YouTube. You really can make them as intense or not as intense as you want.
Yes, both of those suggestions are options, I just don't follow through. Walking is the easiest when I can just go out the door and go and the trampoline was good because it was there and I would keep my shoes on so that I could just hop on when the whim hit me. It's me, really. I'm so unmotivated the simplest thing will make me not do it. I'm going to try. I'm going to try not to give up completely and continue to make an effort to do something.
Yes, both of those suggestions are options, I just don't follow through. Walking is the easiest when I can just go out the door and go and the trampoline was good because it was there and I would keep my shoes on so that I could just hop on when the whim hit me. It's me, really. I'm so unmotivated the simplest thing will make me not do it. I'm going to try. I'm going to try not to give up completely and continue to make an effort to do something.

I totally understand. I hate exercise with a passion! I like walking and like it best outside at a park where I can enjoy nature. I have lost weight not because I exercised vigorously but because I counted those pesky calories! I know I need to tone up my flab but I too am unmotivated. The hula hoop is a pretty easy piece of equipment and I do get the "urge" to do it every couple days. :D
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Yes, both of those suggestions are options, I just don't follow through. Walking is the easiest when I can just go out the door and go and the trampoline was good because it was there and I would keep my shoes on so that I could just hop on when the whim hit me. It's me, really. I'm so unmotivated the simplest thing will make me not do it. I'm going to try. I'm going to try not to give up completely and continue to make an effort to do something.
That's the spirit. :) I used to not even bother to exercise some days when I felt I couldn't get in 45 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I have time for only 25 minutes and that's OK. I think something is always better than nothing. Plus, the mindset can be tricky. This week I have been mentally exhausted (from work, the march, politics in general), and that, combined with the gloomy weather we've had for a week, left me very unmotivated this week. Sometimes we just need a break. I always start to feel icky when I don't exercise, though, so I know these past few days have been just a blip and I will be back at it. I'm already itching for a long walk, which I may do this weekend.
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I got off my duff today and did the bike at work and a little bit of a Leslie Sansone video. It was a very fast-paced mile. I think I would like to do it three times in a row at some point. :D
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I got off my duff today and did the bike at work and a little bid of a Leslie Sansone video. It was a very fast-paced mile. I think I would like to do it three times in a row at some point. :D
I used to do that back in the day when I was doing LS videos. I never had the time or patience to do the gradual build up, lol. So doing a shorter, quicker routine worked good for me.
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I have still only lost 7 lbs. I just can't get motivated as I have other things on my mind at the moment that are more important.

I'm going to concentrate on eating more healthily and cutting down on alcohol in February instead of weight loss. I know that cutting down on alcohol will save money so that will probably be greater motivation for me.:)
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Try not to lose heart. It's a constant struggle. I gained four pounds since the beginning of the year. I am finding I'm stress eating so I need to try and calm down. And I know in another two months it will be easier to get back outside and walk. It will be lighter in the morning, too (until we change the darned clocks). That's when I am most motivated and I walk before work.
Yes, I'm not feeling that badly about it as at least I did lose half a stone. It is probably a good idea to cut down on booze for health reasons anyway. :)This time of year is terrible as it is so dark and dreary. It must be extra terrible for you knowing that next Christmas is so far away.;)
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I did something sort of ED related last night, feeling disgusted with my body and frustrated by my lack of progress in physical strength, stamina, etc. I stood naked and measured various parts of my body. I wrote down my measurements and the date. Then dug out an old notebook I kept years ago with body measurements. I have measurements starting from 2008 when I lost a crap load of weight to 2010 all at various weights on the way down, up, and in between. I had stopped doing this in 2010, but did it once or twice in 2013 but I can't find those measurements. At any rate, I compared my current measurements to those from when I was the exact same weight in 2008 and back then age 36 (now 44). I am much more active now, in better shape, more muscle, and vegan now six years eating healthier (was omni then and just starting to eat healthier) so I would have thought my measurements would be different. In the hips and midpoint from hip to waist they are smaller now. In the waist they are bigger (however I was bloated last night so that could have made a difference). Everywhere else...thigh, arms, neck, chest, calf...they are exactly the same. I'm kind of disappointed. I don't know why. I remember way back then thinking it would have been smart to stop losing weight when I got to this point and just maintain, but back then I had a self loathing and absolute desire to lose weight that could not be stopped, and I would get 22 lbs lighter before it was over. I still battle these feelings but to a much lesser extent. It's more about health now, but that desire is still there, "eating away" at me daily. I can not restrict the way I used to, not by a long shot, and that frustrates me too. I love dancing and cycling and I believe those two activities keep me trying to be healthy so I can keep doing them. I also work full time at a challenging job now and need more brain power than I did in 2008 when I was working part time at a far less demanding job. But at the same time, I am horrified by my measurements. All the old feelings of inferiority and laziness and not being good enough just start to work their way into my conscience. No matter how hard I work, it's never enough and I am still stuck with the same old body, mind, and spirit.

Depression is getting the best of me these days. :/
Naturebound: :hug:

I lost about half a pound last week. I am not eating below the calorie budget like I am supposed to for losing a pound and a half a week but that's ok because I am still going down slowly. I am 2 pounds from my goal now and not worried about it. I have been extremely lazy but I will try to get motivated soon on the exercise front!
Naturebound, I am so sorry you are struggling. Is there a professional you can talk to about this, especially the depression? If so, please do so. I worry about you. Major hugs to you.

KLS, I did the shorter LS video three times in a row this morning. I really liked doing it that way. There is a good amount of intensity in the workout and I quite enjoyed that.
Yes, hugs from me, too, Naturebound. :hugs:

Nice going, PTree. :)
We're here for you, Naturebound.

KLS, I've sometimes had to push myself to do an exercise I just don't particularly enjoy doing. I enjoy brisk walking, except in cold weather if there are patches of ice lying in wait for me. My weight workouts at the gym used to be a drag, but now they only take about 20-25 minutes, yet they're intense enough to give me a very warm, loose feeling afterward. I keep comparing my performance with workout sheets from a year or so back to motivate me more, too. I might have to push myself harder if I want to progress, but it seems when I do that, I strain something and have to stop doing some exercises completely until I heal. I try to be careful- yet I'm always either stuck at one level or hurting myself.

I still haven't figured out why I have so much trouble making myself do exercises at home and away from the gym (except for walking and tai chi). I could save money by buying my own equipment but I know I'd never use it. :iiam:
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I wish I had time to see someone. It's hard to find a good therapist. I may consider it though.
I did another Leslie Sansone video this morning. :) Exercise really helps keep me sane, lol. :D
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