
  1. P

    New vegan-Need recipes & advice Pls

    Heya, I'm Miles and I am going vegan for moral and health reasons. I'm serious about this but I have a couple of bumps in the road. The issue is that due to my OCD/Autism there is a lot of food I have tried to on numerous occasions stomach, but I just can't. I grew up with a vegan mom so I've...
  2. V

    Vegan wedding-family doesn't understand

    Hi all, I'm puzzled. Me and my partner have been vegans for 3 years now. His family has been very supportive albeit surprised. Mine, having come from a different country, lifestyle, and culture, not so much. I have been ridiculed, interrogated, and it hurt. We've been engaged for 2 years now...
  3. Meyersaurus

    Relationship with a non-vegan

    Hi there, I'm new to the forum but I'll just quickly get to the point I have been in a relationship for 1 1/2 years with an omnivore (I have been vegan for 3 years and I was raised as a vegetarian) and I have such difficulty accepting that he eats meat. I'm currently studying sustainable...
  4. A

    Question Vegan in an "anti-vegan" family?

    Hi. This is the very first time I'm doing something like this so bear with me I'm not really sure how to do this. I'm 16 years old and last year I became vegan for various reasons (health, weight, animals, environment etc.) and quickly fell in love with it, felt overall better - in and out...
  5. Busybee22

    Anybody else dating a non-vegan?

    Hey friends, my name is Ashley and I am new to the forum here. Was wondering if anyone was dating a non-vegan? My boyfriend loves meat, and it's hard because I want to be able to eat dinner with him and it's hard for us to find compatible restaurants to eat at together. I also really have a...
  6. P

    The leap of faith.

    Well hello all. A very quick bit about me. I'm a paramedic over in the UK. I'm currently on a VLCD (very low calorie diet)(I'm not going to go into detail here as to why or how) and once completed am going to begin my vegan life. As a paramedic I'm very busy with shift work and don't have much...
  7. H

    Advice on dealing with omnivore flatmate?

    Need advice on a flatmate situation. I live in student accommodation with 3 other people who are all omnivores. Generally this has been absolutely fine, I’ve become really good friends with all 3 of them and have loved living with them so much that we’ve re-booked for next year at the same...
  8. Dan Ward

    Weight loss advice?

    Since last week i have always been a meat eater as that was how i was raised, i lacked knowledge and understanding and never gave it a second thought until it really started to dawn on me how cruel it truly is. So after a couple months thought on the matter i decided to fully pledge and become a...
  9. Evelyn Rose

    Best vegan "butter"?

    Hello there, I've recently transitioned from a vegetarian to vegan lifestyle. I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips on the best vegan butter alternatives? I'd rather not have something with unethically sourced palm oil and I'm trying to find out what the healthiest and most sustainable...
  10. A

    6 weeks in - feeling awful - any help?

    Hi All, Just joined here, I've been vegan for 6 weeks and I'm feeling really exhausted. I started off well eating homemade chilli and curry, fruit, lots of spinach, lentils, beans etc. What's gone wrong recently is I've started to eat lots of carbs, I've gained weight (and hit the peanut...
  11. Molly

    Simple recipes and a balanced diet?

    Hey guys! I'm new to veganism in that I have only just started eating entirely vegan a few days ago. I did however, cut out eating boiled/scrambled/fried/etc. eggs a long time ago, as well as drinking cows milk. I was still consuming dairy products as an ingredient in other foods though. This...
  12. Dovahkitty99

    Inheriting a leather suitcase

    Hello Everyone! so I've been vegetarian for over a year and vegan for 3 months. I am taking a gap year to go travelling and my grandfather (aged 90) wants to pass on his LEATHER suitcase that he has had his whole life, it's been taken all around the world and is very attractive/vintage. Is it...
  13. WelshVeganFitnessBlogger

    Vegan travelling alone

    Hey guys, I thought I would start a thread about travelling alone. Since going Vegan I've wanted to to see the world and do everything apart from get a job that's expected of graduated students. I want to find like minded people who are positive and want to explore and make memories. I am from...
  14. mamamellie_114

    I have to feed my baby meat?

    (I don't know if I posted this in the right place, I didn't see a spot for parenting.) A little bit of background, I'm a vegetarian. I don't use products that were tested on animals, I don't buy leather or fur, I don't drink milk. I enjoy the occasional egg breakfast provided by my mother's...
  15. Ta.Gutier

    Two months vegan, and totally disappointed by the vegan on vegan war

    There are too many vegan vs. vegan fights, vegans hating on vegetarians, raw vegans hating on vegans and on top of everything the never ending plethora of people that hate vegans just because... What is happening? Has this always been this way? Vegans with big social media presence spewing...
  16. H

    Fur coats from grandma?

    Unfortunately, my grandma was very into animals as fashion. Now that she has passed, it goes to me. I can't return it. They are very expensive. As a vegan, would it be hypocritical of me to use them until they can't be used anymore? Please share any thoughts you have, don't hold back. All...
  17. I

    Hello From Canada! Could use some advice..

    Hey everyone! I just started a youtube channel trying out all these Vegan/Vegetarian Pinterest recipes that claim to be easy/ I'm no way near a chef...really wanted to put them to the test. My worry is that because its vegan/vegetarian, I wouldn't have enough subscribers/successful...
  18. Pip

    Vegan White Chocolate!

    Hello all! I'm producing a vegan white chocolate, and the samples are being made up with icing sugar due to its fineness and the ease of working without a chocolate conche. However, I would rather use a less refined sugar - something more like demerara at the lightest. I've launched a...
  19. V

    Worst mistake of my life -advice needed!

    I don't even know where to begin... My story is embarrassing and I am so ashamed of myself. I would really appreciate any advice from my fellow vegans out there regarding my terrible situation. So basically my boyfriend told me he would be interested in seeing me wear a faux fox tail toy. After...
  20. J

    New vegan advice.

    Hello, everyone. 4 days ago I made the decision to eat a vegan diet, I just felt very hypocritical and for weeks before, everytime I ate meat or anything like cheese and eggs I just felt disgusted and since I have been eating a vegan diet I haven't once wanted to eat any animal products. The...