Fur coats from grandma?


Jul 14, 2016
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  1. Vegan newbie
Unfortunately, my grandma was very into animals as fashion. Now that she has passed, it goes to me. I can't return it. They are very expensive. As a vegan, would it be hypocritical of me to use them until they can't be used anymore? Please share any thoughts you have, don't hold back. All perspectives are needed.

You haven't bought them, they were passed on to you. If you feel that they have sentimental value I would recommend keeping them, if not sell or give away? Don't throw in the bin, the planets already covered in lots of junk. ;) Plus, it's not like once you've had your use you're going to go out and purchase replacements.
You could argue that we shouldn't be wearing dead animals as skin, and these should not be used.

You could also argue that the animal cruelty has already been done, there's no harm in using them now. It may even be better for the environment to use old products rather than produce new ones.

The second argument is generally more popular it seems, but I don't think there is a "right" answer here.
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This happened to me shortly after I went vegan. My grandma passed away, and she had left me a fur coat in her Will (she never knew I went vegan before she died). I could not accept it, I just couldn't. I was broke but money meant nothing to me in a situation like this. I loved my grandma dearly don't get me wrong. I knew the gesture was made out of love and I appreciated that.

My Dad stepped in and helped me by selling the fur coat to a consignment shop, and the money made from it he gave to me and I in turn donated all that money to an animal welfare organization. I think that my Grandma would have been proud of me for standing up for what I believe in and doing what I felt was best. The coat was just a material item after all, sentimental value or not.

If I had known about the following organization at the time, I would have donated the coat there instead.

Interesting topic , I hate waste so I would probably use it or give it to some one else to wear it . Anything but land fill x