We use only the tiniest amount of olive oil on the rarest of occasions.
Same! I avoid oil at all costs, but for special occasions I will make an exception. Because of the CAD history in my family, I do make sure those are rare occasions. However, a tiny bit to help a pastry crust brown properly is acceptable, in my humble opinion. Everyone should watch Dr. Esselstyn video excerpt "NO OIL" on YouTube. It pretty much explains it in simple and easy to understand words.
There's a dish that's been in my family for many generations. It's an ethnic dish that has meat, and is cooked in fat...lots of animal fat. So...long story short, having grown up enjoying this traditional dish in my family, I wanted to come up with a vegan version. So I did. It does, however, require a little bit of oil brushed on the surface, in order to create a golden crust. It would not be the same without it. It needs that crust, not only for flavour, but for texture.
It's like sugar for me as well - I do make exceptions with maple syrup and occasionally agave, if I need it for a recipe. Luckily for me, sugar has never been an issue. I like it, but I can live without it, easily. In fact, I often find certain fruits too sickly sweet for my tastes. If I let my bananas get too spotted, I usually use that in my oatmeal as a sweetener or in a smoothie. I just freeze them when they turn, usually.
Sorry for the off topic rant, but it's sort of relevant to the thread. My point here is that just about any food you enjoyed before becoming vegan can pretty well be veganized. Not only that, but pretty well all the foods you cook in oil can be cooked without oil and still taste pretty darn good. It really comes down to retraining your taste buds, and learning to cook a bit differently.
At the end of the day, you can change. Being vegan for me feels amazing. You will feel amazing too, and it doesn't take that long to start noticing. Just try it, and you'll see. There is a ton of help online, YT, etc. Stick around here and you can tell all of us your story as you go. You will get help and support here too, so definitely don't be a stranger.