TV & Film Your Favourite Foreign Language Films


Friendly neighbourhood vegan
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
London, UK
What are your favourite foreign language (or your mother tongue if it's not English) films? Or do you not enjoy films with subtitles?

I love the sound of languages other than my own and watch a fair few films from continental Europe. I especially enjoyed Pan's Labyrinth, Volver, Delicatessen and Tsotsi.
Thank you for starting this thread! I'll be checking back to get recommendations.

-The Barbarian Invasions
-Pan's Labyrinth
-Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
-Sex and Lucia
-Goodbye Lenin!
*thinks* I don't think I have any favorites, but I liked The Bicycle Thief.

I also liked "M".

Those are really old movies. :p
I'm behind on my foreign films, so my faves are a bit more "classic":
Y Tu Mama Tambien,
Cinema Paridiso,
My Beautiful Laundrette,
Like Water for Chocolate,
anything Kurosawa,
Santa Sangre,
Lust Caution,
The Last Emperor
Does Inglourious Basterds count?


The Motorcycle Diaries
He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not
Pans labyrinth
Happiness of the Katakuris
The orphanage
Let the right one in

Too many to mention :P
As mentioned, Let The Right One In & Amelie are great.

I ******* loved Apocalypto - that's one of my favourites.
Also Battle Royale & The Wave (German fillm, check it out.)
I was thinking I hadn't seen many foreign language films but I like quite a few of the movies mentioned.

I also liked Betty Blue and Hero.
I really like My Beautiful Laundrette also.

A rather short Israeli film: Yossi and Jagger. And by the same director: Walk On Water.
Hero, Asoka, Ip Man, Ip Man 2, Ran, Sholay, Princess Mononoke, Tetsuo the Iron Man, Bullet in the Head, Adam's Rib (the Russian movie), Mongol, Shaolin Soccer, Zu Warriors (this is one of the trippiest movies ever), Bodyguard (the Thai movie), Chinese Ghost Story,Kung Fu Majong, Wild Zero (one of my all time favorites), Kakashi ... (and many more)

... and I'll just say kaiju rather than list all the Godzilla/Mothra/other big monster stuff I've watched with original (not dubbed) dialog ...

I watch a lot of movies :)