Not sure what the meaning is/would be. I now I don’t believe that it’s strictly to be self centered and to get out of it what you can.
For me it’s about trying to make a difference, however small...reaching out to our fellow humans, trying to connect on some level.
An example would be the recent event that happened a few days ago. It kind of blows my mind that after all these years together, we can’t try and reach past the differences and try to connect more on what makes us the same. Everyone has something going on but I think that sometimes when we have issues ourselves, it prohibits us from seeing things/people clearly.
We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, upbringing, etc. Some of us are outgoing and flamboyant in our communication and others are more reserved. That doesn’t make them a snob. For years, because I was quiet/shy people thought I was stuck up which couldn’t be farther from the truth. One of my closest friends was brought up very differently from me. She grew up in a very “proper”, non-demonstrative family. I grew up in the crazy, boisterous, emotional Italian family. We couldn’t be more different and yet, even though she drives me crazy sometimes because I want to shake her to get a reaction out of her, we have bonded in other ways.
I’m a tad emotional right it showing?
Within ten minutes, yesterday, I was notified of Jenna passing and my sister being admitted to the hospital. So meaning of life? Love one another. We’re supposed to love animals. Humans are animals. Do your best every day. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you have an issue with someone maybe try private messaging to discuss it rather than opting for a public display? I think we sometimes project our own issues onto other people who are different and see things that aren’t there.