The Everything Christmas Thread 2012/13

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There are some beautifully decorated houses & buildings around here. I was looking at all the lights etc on the bus ride home. :)

We're not putting our tree & decorations up until next weekend. I still need to find a teeny tiny little tree for my bedroom...they all seem to be fugly fibre optic ones.

Our family will be watching Elf tomorrow evening together which will be nice.
Awesome in all its redneck glory. How I love it.
102456960244408378_3usIU8dp_c.jpg's cute. I've never seen that commercial. I often sing jingles from commercials... It can be embarrassing.
I finished my Christmas shopping last Friday. Such an odd thing, but the present I get by buying a few gifts for the people that I don't wish grievous harm upon is greater than any amount of money I'll ever spend. I still don't like this time of year and think it's stupid and commercial, but if someone looks at something I bought them and thinks of me, my job is done.
Vegan Christmas Pudding.jpg

  • 350gm black raisins
  • 150gm Australian Sultanas (any other will do)
  • 100gm currants
  • 100gm cranberries
  • 2 cups Amontillado Sherry
  • 4 tbsp cognac
  • 4 tbsp candied peel
  • 200gm ground almonds
  • 100gm chopped almonds
  • 120gm wholemeal & plain flour mixed
  • ½ tsp fine sea salt
  • ½ tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp mixed/all spice
  • ½ tsp ground aniseed
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 215gm muscovado sugar
  • 1 tsp treacle
  • 120gm wholemeal breadcrumbs
  • 250gm vegetable suet
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • zest & juice of 1 clementine
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • 1½ tbsp date syrup or treacle
  • 1 cup of non-dairy milk – I used nut milk
  • Here is a US Conversion Table for anybody out there who may need it
Grease your 2 pint and ½ pint pudding basins, and set aside. Meanwhile, place your dried fruit in a glass bowl, and soak with the sherry. Cover, and let this stand overnight – you may wish to stir it before you go to bed so that all the sherry will have soaked itself properly into the fruit.
The following day, place the ground almonds and the other dried ingredients in a large mixing bowl, and mix. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well. Taste for sweetness, and mix again, until your mixture is soft and blended. Then spoon into your ready greased basins.
Now cover your bowls with grease proof paper, and tighten string around the lip of the bowl. Then add a further layer of aluminium foil, and, again, secure it by tying string round the lip of the bowl.
Place the pudding bowls in saucepans that are large enough for you to lift the bowls out of, and add enough hot water to cover half the height of the pudding bowls. Cover and steam on a low heat for 4½ hours, keeping an eye on them periodically to ensure there is enough water – if not, top the water up. Enjoy !

I want to make a Christmas Pudding this year!
^ So cute.


All presents done other than 2, & that is because I'm waiting for them to tell me what they would like. Christmas cards done, wrapping done. WHEW...time to relax a little bit. :)
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