Nutrition & Diet REMINDER: is it vitamin pill time? :)

I'm about to take lysine, calcium, B12 and a veg 1 tablet. I've ordered some vegan vitamin D but it hasn't arrived yet.
My daily pill regimen goes like this:

1. Synthroid for my hypothyroidism when I get up in the morning, because it works best on an empty stomach. I then set an hour reminder on my cellphone.

2. When the reminder goes off, I take my probiotics, still on an empty stomach. I then reset the hour reminder on my cellphone.

3. When the second reminder goes off, I take my vitamin D, prescribed under doctor's orders. By that time, I'm ready for breakfast.

4. During or after breakfast, I take my daily vitamin B12. If I don't remember then, I make a point of taking it during or after lunch or dinner.

I keep the Synthroid, probiotics and vitamin D in the bathroom, but I keep the B12 on my nighttable next to my bed because that's where I always eat my meals (on a tray). Even so, I can get distracted and forget to take the B12.

So let's keep bumping this thread so I don't forget to take my vitamin B12. :p
My doctor recommended I take a low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular disease prevention, and I take a B-12 supplement because I think it's a good idea and evidently won't hurt me even if I don't need it. But I'm kind of inconsistent about taking them. I have to put a week or two's worth of aspirin tablets in a spot where I'll be reminded to take them in the morning (I can do this since I don't have any companion animals at the moment). The B-12 tablets are so far over the RDA, I just swallow a little bit of one every day or so.
My doctor recommended I take a low-dose aspirin for cardiovascular disease prevention, and I take a B-12 supplement because I think it's a good idea and evidently won't hurt me even if I don't need it. But I'm kind of inconsistent about taking them. I have to put a week or two's worth of aspirin tablets in a spot where I'll be reminded to take them in the morning (I can do this since I don't have any companion animals at the moment). The B-12 tablets are so far over the RDA, I just swallow a little bit of one every day or so.
B12 is hard to assimilate orally, since a lot of it is lost in digestion before your body can use it. That's why the doses look so high. The sublingual types are easier for the body to use, but even then you are likely only using a fraction.
B12 is hard to assimilate orally, since a lot of it is lost in digestion before your body can use it. That's why the doses look so high. The sublingual types are easier for the body to use, but even then you are likely only using a fraction.

So what would be your recommendation?
So what would be your recommendation?
The vegan RD says (from 2010)
"Here is how those who are supplementing with B12 could become deficient:
·They waited too long to start supplementing and then didn’t take a high enough dosage to rebuild stores.
·They think they are supplementing “faithfully,” but are really just taking a small dose of B12 a couple of times a week.
·They aren’t chewing their B12 tablet or using a sublingual pill and aren’t digesting the pills that are swallowed whole.
·They are using methylcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin, not realizing that the dosage requirements for methylcobalamin could be much higher—maybe as high as 1,000 to 2,000 micrograms per day (as opposed to the 25 micrograms of cyanocobalamin that are probably sufficient.)
Any of these would be a good example of how a conscientious vegan could fail to get adequate B12 simply because the vegan nutrition information they read was inadequate."

My husband and I take 1000 mcg/day sublingual methylcobalamin, my son a few times a week at best. My omni daughter takes it because she likes the taste and says it makes her feel more energetic. My and husband's levels are normal, son hasn't been tested for awhile (I keep suggesting it...) :)
Ah. Thanks, Ledboots. I knew methylcobalamin wasn;t quite the same thing as cyano, although it does have vitamin activity...

Maybe I'll start taking my B-12 in larger doses. But I figured (rightly or wrongly) that the same amount, spread out over several small doses, would be more efficiently absorbed... maybe I was mistaken.

At least we're taking the stuff, though.
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I just checked the label on my B-12 supplement, and it says something like "Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin)". I think I'll have to contact the manufacturer to find out if they mean actual cyanocobalamin content, or methylcobalamin adjusted to cyanocobalamin equivalent when adjusting for the absorption factor.
I just took a Deva vegan vitamin, a Jarrow chewable B12 tablet and a calcium, magnesium and zinc combined tablet.

I also took a quercetin and bromelain tablet as it helps my knee pain as it feels sore when it gets colder. I feel really old saying that.:D
have just ordered my vitamin B complex from Vitamin B Complex 400mg Tablet I have however been having trouble remembering to take the pill. I have finished my sachet this morning after staying in my shelf for a long while.
I've had no trouble remembering to take my pills, vitamins and supplements since I got my iPhone in June. :)
Maybe I should consider budgeting for an iphone :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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