Pulsating meat video is turning people vegetarian

oh, I thought it was a stunt, but it is supposed to be footage of a real piece of meat throbbing.
Like a heart?!? (Also not clicking link)

yes it looks like a pulse throb.........maybe it is some kind of hoax. You would just need to make a cut and insert some kind of mechanism....you could do it with a couple of balloons and a bike pump.
the video in the Mirror link doesn't autoplay for me, so it should be ok to click. Just a couple of stills of the meat.
I didn't click on it either, but I saw this posted on Facebook and one of the comments mentioned something about nerves that were still firing causing it to move.
I've seen something like that first hand a year or two before becoming veg, on a very fresh piece of salmon. It was very disturbing. I shudder thinking about it again.
Some suggested the zombie steak was infested with maggots which give it a pulsating effect.
from the article.

It does look like there might be maggots there, but some of the movements are quite large.