One in five people in the UK have insufficient vitamin D

I live in the northeastern U.S. and a year or so ago, when I was experimenting with treatments for depression, I had my therapist inform me that in this part of the world it is just about impossible to get adequate vitamin D from sun exposure alone. We simply don't get enough quality sun the majority of the year, even if we are outdoors all the time. Thus, he recommended supplements.
Last time I was checked, I was severely deficient in vitamin D. After attributing it to me being vegetarian, she told me to take some vitamins. I'm horrible at remembering to take them :(
Too much though is also bad - 74 barn förgiftade av dåligt vitamin - DN.SE
Innopharma in Denmark have withdrawn Inno Pharma vitamin D3 tablets as the dosage is 75 higher then stated.
74 children have now extreme high calcium levels which can cause kidney failure.
Danish authorities Forgiftninger fra D-vitamindråber af mærket ”Inno Pharma vitamin D3-dråber”
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Inno Pharma was brought up by Pfizer in 2014 Pfizer Completes Acquisition Of InnoPharma | Pfizer: One of the world's premier biopharmaceutical companies
These are the tablets to avoid - Inno Pharma D3 vitamin 25 mcg (60 kapsler)
If you're taking vitamin d tablets check the dosage!