Mustard and Turnip Greens


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
I've decided to try something new. I love kale, so I thought I would try some other types of greens.

I originally bought it to put into salads raw, but after reading up on them, it seems like they are supposed to be lightly cooked. I think I'll still try a small bit raw, but the rest cooked.

Has anyone else eaten either one? How did you prepare it?
You can blanch them and use them in stir fries. If the leaves are tender, you can eat them raw in a slaw by thinly
I ate some raw in a salad, it was good mixed with all the other flavors. Strangely though, I was getting a headache from the smell of the mustard greens while cutting them up.