Made in the USA (Buy American)

See, I knew somebody would post this. Again, I'm not in the mood for this kind of thing.

It was just a silly comment
((hugs)) Amy

Just FYI though, many New Balances are made in China. I love what the shoes do for my feet though, and it's pretty easy to find vegan ones.

Some Fridgidaire dishwashers are made in the US still (Tennessee, I think?)

Can I ask what your reasoning is for wanting to buy American? Is it primarily about saving jobs?
It was just a silly comment
((hugs)) Amy

Just FYI though, many New Balances are made in China. I love what the shoes do for my feet though, and it's pretty easy to find vegan ones.

Some Fridgidaire dishwashers are made in the US still (Tennessee, I think?)

Can I ask what your reasoning is for wanting to buy American? Is it primarily about saving jobs?

I apologize to Kara. I was definitely cranky over the weekend. My eyes were really bothering me. I do have an appointment with an eye doctor for Thursday.

And yes, I think it's important to support companies that manufacture their products in the US so their workers can keep their jobs.

ETA: I also posted those five companies spotlighted in the TV program to make a point that there ARE companies that are willing to stay in the US, pay their workers decent wages, and not ship jobs overseas for slave labor. I don't really expect everyone reading this thread to rush out and buy a Segway, although I think an army of veg*ans zipping about on Segways would be totally cool. :p
And yes, I think it's important to support companies that manufacture their products in the US so their workers can keep their jobs.


I am so out of it I had to look up Segway to see what the heck it is.
I had no idea people owned segways or rode them in real life. I've only seen them on movies and tv shows.
I'd rather walk or bike than segway. I can understand where they'd be handy for an officer on a patrol beat.
If you have a few grand to spend and have a home office that you'd like to occasionally use as a guest bedroom:

Made in the USA Murphy Beds.

(I really like murphy beds, but I'd probably be too lazy to use one as a main bed.)
The campus security officers at my university ride them around.

Reminds me of Paul Blart : Mall Cop.

Once I saw an episode of Pawn Stars where some random person was trying to pawn their older model Segway so he could upgrade to a newer model.

Well of course. The cool kids have the newest upgraded Segways only the losers have the old outdated version. You might as well ride your Segway off a cliff if you don't have the current up to date version.:rolleyes:
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Actually the program I watched that inspired this thread highlighted the use of Segways for disabled people, especially veterans who were injured in Iraq and Afghanistan and who, in most cases, lost one or both legs or the use of them. The design and technology of the thing helps them with physical therapy and lets them zip around while standing up. Apparently this gives them more confidence in their recovery process.
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I did not know that! Cool. I need a new blender. Hopefully they make one I can afford.

Kuranda dog beds are also made in the USA. And those things really hold up, especially the aluminum one.
I think it really depends on where the alternative is manufactured.

While I realize that even a so-called "sweatshop" job may be better than what many third-world workers could otherwise experience, I dislike the poor environmental and human rights records of many companies who choose to manufacture in the third world specifically to exploit the looser regulations.

But if the choice is between something made in the USA and something made in a modern western, pro-human, pro-environment country like (say) Sweden, I don't have any problems choosing based on price and quality instead on where the item was manufactured.