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List of the World Wide Vegan Proven Pet Foods for Cats Dogs Ferrets.
Vegan pet foods have been around for over 30 years (now in 2019) and never had any recalls ever of any of them.
They sure would have had if there had been any reported cases linked to their diets. There have not been.
The INDEPENDENT of any pet food businesses Scientist and Vet Professor Dr Andrew Knight provides on his informative website references to other scientists who have studied this in detail.
There are at least 15 world wide reknown vet experts in dog and cat Nutrition who support recommend vegan diets for pets.
Dr Pitcairn for example has written a very detailed book on recipes remedies for health problems of dogs and cats. Also independent of any pet food supplier business.
Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (4th Edition)Paperback – 13 Apr 2017
Since its first publication more than 30 years ago, Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats has sold 500,000 copies and continues to be the go-to resource for health-conscious animal lovers. Now, in the fourth publication of this groundbreaking text, new and old fans of Dr. Pitcairn will enjoy the latest information in natural pet care with 30 percent new material, including a deeper look at what's behind the disturbing rise in chronic illnesses, increased toxins, nutrient depletion, and excess vaccinations. Taking the benefits of fresh, home- prepared diets one step further, the book shares stories of health-conscious animal lovers who have pioneered far more humane, earth-friendly ways to feed dogs and cats, often with amazing boosts to health and longevity. New recipes feature simpler yet more varied ways to create nutritionally complete meals that pets will love and their people will feel good about feeding them. The Pitcairns, with their trademark compassion and conviction, have long been the trusted name in holistic veterinary care. Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats will help people give their beloved animals the healthiest, happiest lives yet.
Richard Pitcairn
Dr. Pitcairn graduated from the veterinary school at the University of California, Davis, in 1965. Entering private practice in Southern California, he worked with small animals, farm livestock and zoo animals. In 1967, he accepted a position at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, as Assistant Professor, later entering graduate school with a major in microbiology and immunology, and a minor in biochemistry. He completed his PhD in microbiology in 1972, and subsequently worked as a faculty member at WSU, active in research and teaching in the veterinary school.
During his research on the factors affecting natural resistance to disease, the importance of optimal nutrition became a focus in his work. Realizing that such research would not be funded, he re-entered private practice to apply his study of nutrition and its effects on immunity and, thus, resistance to disease. During these years of clinical work, Dr. Pitcairn, along with his wife, Susan, published the first edition of Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs and Cats (1982). This book is now in its fourth edition and has sold over 500,000 copies, and been translated into several languages.
A further development in Dr. Pitcairn’s education was the study of homeopathic medicine for animal application. Although nutrition is very important, there are urgent situations for which nutritional therapy is not practical; as well, some patients simply will not eat as a part of their disease picture. Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that stimulates the immune system and natural resistance to disease and, from 1978, Dr. Pitcairn focused on learning and applying this system to use along with his prior knowledge of nutritional therapy. The primary sources of study were Hahnemann and Kent, but also Jahr, Nash, Clarke, Boericke, Wright-Hubbard, Dorothy Shepherd, Dunham, Farrington, Schmidt, Boenninghausen, H. C. Allen, T. F. Allen, Hering, Barthel, Burnett, Blackie, Blackwood, Boger, Borland, Close, Cooper, Cowperthwaite, Dudgeon, Gross, Lippe, Phatak, Schuessler, Tyler and, of the more contemporary homeopaths, Vithoulkas and André Saine. His favorites are Hahnemann and Kent above all, then Boger, Boenninghausen, Lippe, and Jahr.
In 1985, Dr. Pitcairn moved to Eugene, Oregon to establish a practice devoted solely to the use of homeopathy and nutritional therapy. From this time forward, several workshops on homeopathic medicine were offered to the public and, in 1992, the Professional Course in Veterinary Homeopathy was established, a year-long post-graduate training for veterinarians in the use of homeopathy in their practices. As of 2016, over 500 veterinarians have been trained in this program offered by the Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy. In 1995, Dr. Pitcairn and associates co-founded The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy, the first professional organization of practicing veterinary homeopaths in the United States. More recently, Dr. Pitcairn, in association with Wendy Jensen DVM, has developed the New World Veterinary Repertory, which is available in computer and book form (English and German). This repertory is the first if its kind, and is the major reference work that veterinary homeopathic practitioners use in their work with patients, focused specifically on veterinary practice. For more information on the New World Veterinary Repertory, click here. Now retired from active practice, Dr. Pitcairn consults with homeopathic veterinarians, and continues to be active in teaching and writing in the area of homeopathic medicine and healing of disease.
Andrew Knight BSc (Vet Biol), BVMS, CertAW, MANZCVS, DipECAWBM (AWSEL), DipACAW, PhD, FRCVS, SFHEA

Andrew Knight is a ridiculously busy bloke. He is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, and Founding Director of the Centre for Animal Welfare, at the University of Winchester; a EBVS European and RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; an American and New Zealand Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare; a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
Andrew has over 65 academic publications and a series of YouTube videos on animal issues. These include an extensive series examining the contributions to human healthcare of animal experiments, which formed the basis for his 2010 PhD and his 2011 book The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments. Andrew’s other publications have examined the contributions of the livestock sector to climate change, vegetarian companion animal diets, the animal welfare standards of veterinarians, and the latest evidence about animal cognitive and related abilities, and the resultant moral implications. His informational websites include www.AnimalExperiments.info,www.HumaneLearning.info and www.VegePets.info.
The BEST most informative website of any world wide distributor supplier of Vegan Pet foods is ? VECADO of Canada ! their website is a marvelous source of all sorts of useful information. Anna Vecado
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/ with specific pages for cats and dogs...For cats detailed comparison of nutrients sources of vegan versus animal based pet food...cats is.. Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/pages/cats101 and dogs is...https://vecado.ca/pages/dogs101
List of 17 Manufacturer Brands Made.(as at June 2019)
Some do just dog some just cat some puppies some kitten some wet some dry so check species lists below.
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 V-Dog USA https://v-dog.com/
3 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
4 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
5 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
6 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
7 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
8 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
9. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/103 WET
10. Vitaveg Italy https://vitaveg.pet/ WET and DRY
11. Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Herrmann, Vegdog etc
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
12. Vegdog Germany DE Supplement for home made Dog food, and Adult and Senior and Sensitive Dogs, and Wet and Dry ready made. https://vegdog.de/
13 to 17…. Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness. Terra Purra (Terra Purra is dogs and cats wet) Germany.
There are 2 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
2. Vegdog of Germany https://vegdog.de/ for Dogs. Adults.
DOGS Wet is done by 9 companies:...1. Evolution (USA) , 2. Benevo (UK) , 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6. Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU Australia) 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders and 9.Vegdog (DE Germany) do Wet tinned as well as supplement powder for home made of Vegdog
DOGS Dry is done by...9 companies: 1. Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Ami (IT Italy), 4. Veggieanimals (ES Spain), 5. Veganpet (AU Australia) , 6. Ketun (USA), 7. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , and of course 8. Compassion Circle (USA) provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, and 9. Vegdog (DE Germany) supplement powder for home made of Vegdog.
CATS Wet: is done by...8 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6.Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU) Australia. 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
ry: is done by... 7 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 4. AMI (IT Italy, 5.VeggieAnimals (ES Spain) 6. Veganpet (AU Australia) and of course 7. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
Vegan Cat foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links:
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
3 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
4 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
5 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
6.Veganpet Australia. https://veganpet.com.au/
1 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
2 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
3.Veganpet Australia. https://veganpet.com.au/
Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for kittens too...
7. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/103 WET
8. Vitaveg Italy. https://vitaveg.pet/
https://vitaveg.pet/product/wet-pet-food-cat-big-can/ WET and DRY
9. Herrmann Germany
10 Terra Purra Germany. Wet (dogs and cats)
CATS Wet: is done by...8 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6.Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU) Australia. 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
ry: is done by... 7 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 4. AMI (IT Italy, 5.VeggieAnimals (ES Spain) 6. Veganpet (AU Australia) and of course 7. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
There is 1 producer of cat and kitten Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green Veggiedog, Fitness etc not looked at if for cats too.
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is www.veggiepets.com
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/
Vegan Dog foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links:
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 V-Dog USA https://v-dog.com/
3 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
4 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
5 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
6 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
7 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
8 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
3 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
4 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
5 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
6 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for puppies too.
9. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/104/de WET
10. Vitaveg Italy
https://vitaveg.pet/product/dog-croquettes/?lang=en WET and DRY
11. Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Herrmann, Vegdog etc
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
12. Vegdog Germany DE Supplement for home made Dog food, and Adult and Senior Dogs, and Wet and Dry ready made. https://vegdog.de/
DOGS Wet is done by 9 companies:...1. Evolution (USA) , 2. Benevo (UK) , 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6. Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU Australia) 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders and 9.Vegdog (DE Germany) do Wet tinned as well as supplement powder for home made of Vegdog
DOGS Dry is done by...9 companies: 1. Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Ami (IT Italy), 4. Veggieanimals (ES Spain), 5. Veganpet (AU Australia) , 6. Ketun (USA), 7. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , and of course 8. Compassion Circle (USA) provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, and 9. Vegdog (DE Germany) supplement powder for home made of Vegdog.
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
There are 2 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
2. Vegdog of Germany https://vegdog.de/ for Dogs. Adults.
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green, Fitness etc
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is www.veggiepets.com
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/
Vegan pet foods have been around for over 30 years (now in 2019) and never had any recalls ever of any of them.
They sure would have had if there had been any reported cases linked to their diets. There have not been.
The INDEPENDENT of any pet food businesses Scientist and Vet Professor Dr Andrew Knight provides on his informative website references to other scientists who have studied this in detail.
There are at least 15 world wide reknown vet experts in dog and cat Nutrition who support recommend vegan diets for pets.
Dr Pitcairn for example has written a very detailed book on recipes remedies for health problems of dogs and cats. Also independent of any pet food supplier business.
Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (4th Edition)Paperback – 13 Apr 2017
Since its first publication more than 30 years ago, Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats has sold 500,000 copies and continues to be the go-to resource for health-conscious animal lovers. Now, in the fourth publication of this groundbreaking text, new and old fans of Dr. Pitcairn will enjoy the latest information in natural pet care with 30 percent new material, including a deeper look at what's behind the disturbing rise in chronic illnesses, increased toxins, nutrient depletion, and excess vaccinations. Taking the benefits of fresh, home- prepared diets one step further, the book shares stories of health-conscious animal lovers who have pioneered far more humane, earth-friendly ways to feed dogs and cats, often with amazing boosts to health and longevity. New recipes feature simpler yet more varied ways to create nutritionally complete meals that pets will love and their people will feel good about feeding them. The Pitcairns, with their trademark compassion and conviction, have long been the trusted name in holistic veterinary care. Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats will help people give their beloved animals the healthiest, happiest lives yet.
Richard Pitcairn

Dr. Pitcairn graduated from the veterinary school at the University of California, Davis, in 1965. Entering private practice in Southern California, he worked with small animals, farm livestock and zoo animals. In 1967, he accepted a position at Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, as Assistant Professor, later entering graduate school with a major in microbiology and immunology, and a minor in biochemistry. He completed his PhD in microbiology in 1972, and subsequently worked as a faculty member at WSU, active in research and teaching in the veterinary school.
During his research on the factors affecting natural resistance to disease, the importance of optimal nutrition became a focus in his work. Realizing that such research would not be funded, he re-entered private practice to apply his study of nutrition and its effects on immunity and, thus, resistance to disease. During these years of clinical work, Dr. Pitcairn, along with his wife, Susan, published the first edition of Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs and Cats (1982). This book is now in its fourth edition and has sold over 500,000 copies, and been translated into several languages.
A further development in Dr. Pitcairn’s education was the study of homeopathic medicine for animal application. Although nutrition is very important, there are urgent situations for which nutritional therapy is not practical; as well, some patients simply will not eat as a part of their disease picture. Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that stimulates the immune system and natural resistance to disease and, from 1978, Dr. Pitcairn focused on learning and applying this system to use along with his prior knowledge of nutritional therapy. The primary sources of study were Hahnemann and Kent, but also Jahr, Nash, Clarke, Boericke, Wright-Hubbard, Dorothy Shepherd, Dunham, Farrington, Schmidt, Boenninghausen, H. C. Allen, T. F. Allen, Hering, Barthel, Burnett, Blackie, Blackwood, Boger, Borland, Close, Cooper, Cowperthwaite, Dudgeon, Gross, Lippe, Phatak, Schuessler, Tyler and, of the more contemporary homeopaths, Vithoulkas and André Saine. His favorites are Hahnemann and Kent above all, then Boger, Boenninghausen, Lippe, and Jahr.
In 1985, Dr. Pitcairn moved to Eugene, Oregon to establish a practice devoted solely to the use of homeopathy and nutritional therapy. From this time forward, several workshops on homeopathic medicine were offered to the public and, in 1992, the Professional Course in Veterinary Homeopathy was established, a year-long post-graduate training for veterinarians in the use of homeopathy in their practices. As of 2016, over 500 veterinarians have been trained in this program offered by the Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy. In 1995, Dr. Pitcairn and associates co-founded The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy, the first professional organization of practicing veterinary homeopaths in the United States. More recently, Dr. Pitcairn, in association with Wendy Jensen DVM, has developed the New World Veterinary Repertory, which is available in computer and book form (English and German). This repertory is the first if its kind, and is the major reference work that veterinary homeopathic practitioners use in their work with patients, focused specifically on veterinary practice. For more information on the New World Veterinary Repertory, click here. Now retired from active practice, Dr. Pitcairn consults with homeopathic veterinarians, and continues to be active in teaching and writing in the area of homeopathic medicine and healing of disease.
Andrew Knight BSc (Vet Biol), BVMS, CertAW, MANZCVS, DipECAWBM (AWSEL), DipACAW, PhD, FRCVS, SFHEA

Andrew Knight is a ridiculously busy bloke. He is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, and Founding Director of the Centre for Animal Welfare, at the University of Winchester; a EBVS European and RCVS Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law; an American and New Zealand Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare; a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
Andrew has over 65 academic publications and a series of YouTube videos on animal issues. These include an extensive series examining the contributions to human healthcare of animal experiments, which formed the basis for his 2010 PhD and his 2011 book The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments. Andrew’s other publications have examined the contributions of the livestock sector to climate change, vegetarian companion animal diets, the animal welfare standards of veterinarians, and the latest evidence about animal cognitive and related abilities, and the resultant moral implications. His informational websites include www.AnimalExperiments.info,www.HumaneLearning.info and www.VegePets.info.
The BEST most informative website of any world wide distributor supplier of Vegan Pet foods is ? VECADO of Canada ! their website is a marvelous source of all sorts of useful information. Anna Vecado
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/ with specific pages for cats and dogs...For cats detailed comparison of nutrients sources of vegan versus animal based pet food...cats is.. Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/pages/cats101 and dogs is...https://vecado.ca/pages/dogs101
List of 17 Manufacturer Brands Made.(as at June 2019)
Some do just dog some just cat some puppies some kitten some wet some dry so check species lists below.
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 V-Dog USA https://v-dog.com/
3 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
4 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
5 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
6 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
7 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
8 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
9. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/103 WET
10. Vitaveg Italy https://vitaveg.pet/ WET and DRY
11. Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Herrmann, Vegdog etc
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
12. Vegdog Germany DE Supplement for home made Dog food, and Adult and Senior and Sensitive Dogs, and Wet and Dry ready made. https://vegdog.de/
13 to 17…. Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness. Terra Purra (Terra Purra is dogs and cats wet) Germany.
There are 2 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
2. Vegdog of Germany https://vegdog.de/ for Dogs. Adults.
DOGS Wet is done by 9 companies:...1. Evolution (USA) , 2. Benevo (UK) , 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6. Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU Australia) 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders and 9.Vegdog (DE Germany) do Wet tinned as well as supplement powder for home made of Vegdog
DOGS Dry is done by...9 companies: 1. Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Ami (IT Italy), 4. Veggieanimals (ES Spain), 5. Veganpet (AU Australia) , 6. Ketun (USA), 7. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , and of course 8. Compassion Circle (USA) provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, and 9. Vegdog (DE Germany) supplement powder for home made of Vegdog.
CATS Wet: is done by...8 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6.Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU) Australia. 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
Vegan Cat foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links:
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
3 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
4 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
5 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
6.Veganpet Australia. https://veganpet.com.au/
1 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
2 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
3.Veganpet Australia. https://veganpet.com.au/
Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for kittens too...
7. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/103 WET
8. Vitaveg Italy. https://vitaveg.pet/
https://vitaveg.pet/product/wet-pet-food-cat-big-can/ WET and DRY
9. Herrmann Germany
10 Terra Purra Germany. Wet (dogs and cats)
CATS Wet: is done by...8 companies 1.Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6.Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU) Australia. 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders.
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
There is 1 producer of cat and kitten Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green Veggiedog, Fitness etc not looked at if for cats too.
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is www.veggiepets.com
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/
Vegan Dog foods and Manufacturer Supplier Website links:
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 V-Dog USA https://v-dog.com/
3 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
4 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
5 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
6 Veggieanimals Spain https://www.veggieanimals.com/
7 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
8 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
1 Ami Italy http://www.amipetfood.com/en
2 Evolution USA http://www.petfoodshop.com/where-to-buy/
3 Benevo Britain http://www.benevo.com/
4 Ketun USA http://ketunpet.com/
5 Compassion Circle USA https://compassioncircle.com/
6 Veganpet Australia https://veganpet.com.au/
Extras: for ADULTS until i check if for puppies too.
9. Vegusto Switzerland https://www.vegusto.ch/product_details/104/de WET
10. Vitaveg Italy
https://vitaveg.pet/product/dog-croquettes/?lang=en WET and DRY
11. Herrmann Germany… Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Green Veggiedog, Fitness, Herrmann, Vegdog etc
WET for Herrmann, WET and DRY for various others.
12. Vegdog Germany DE Supplement for home made Dog food, and Adult and Senior Dogs, and Wet and Dry ready made. https://vegdog.de/
DOGS Wet is done by 9 companies:...1. Evolution (USA) , 2. Benevo (UK) , 3. Vegusto (CH Switzerland) , 4. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , 5. Herrmann (DE Germany), 6. Terra Purra (DE Germany) and of course 7. Veganpet (AU Australia) 8. Compassion Circle (USA) recipes for home made is for Wet mostly using their supplement powders and 9.Vegdog (DE Germany) do Wet tinned as well as supplement powder for home made of Vegdog
DOGS Dry is done by...9 companies: 1. Evolution (USA), 2. Benevo (UK), 3. Ami (IT Italy), 4. Veggieanimals (ES Spain), 5. Veganpet (AU Australia) , 6. Ketun (USA), 7. Vitaveg (IT Italy) , and of course 8. Compassion Circle (USA) provide recipes for Dry Home made using their supplement powders, and 9. Vegdog (DE Germany) supplement powder for home made of Vegdog.
For EUROPE Compassion Circle suppliers of VEGEYEAST VEGECAT/VEGEDOG and VEGEKIT/VEGEPUP, and supplements of VEGDOG etc are in the Netherlands Vegavriend
who sell ready made vegan pet foods also.
EVOLUTION, Ami and Benevo.
There are 2 Supplement powders for Home Made Recipes.
1. Compassion Circle of the USA for both Dogs and Cats Puppies and Kittens. https://compassioncircle.com/
2. Vegdog of Germany https://vegdog.de/ for Dogs. Adults.
Germany distributor Fulda also supplies various brands in Europe, Fulda. extra brands like Greta, Bubeck, Vegdog, Green, Fitness etc
UK Manufacturer and Distributor of various brands but not vegeyeast or vegecat etc supplements or Evolution and manufacturer of British Brand sold world wide "Benevo" is www.veggiepets.com
CANADA supplier of many brands including EVOLUTION are VECADO.
Vecado Canada https://vecado.ca/
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