pet food

  1. Vegan Dogs

    Taxonomy-Classifications of animals into diet

    Taxonomy...classifications of animals into diet related classes the evolution and differences between diets in the wild and captivity This my attempt...first attempt help people understand what certain as I call them "grunt words" mean in context of where they come from...
  2. Vegan Dogs

    Man picks carnivorous cat over vegan girlfriend

    man-picks-carnivorous-cat-over-vegan-girlfriend due to ignorance about vegan pet foods If only...he had been aware...of Vegan Pet foods hey ! The couple could still have been together ! But...that is why...I provide the information here and that relationships can benefit and...
  3. Vegan Dogs

    Pet Cat Dog Ferret Foods-Legal set by AAFCO

    None so blind as those who do not wish to see.... After DAYS of providing explanations and links to supporting information...I got yet again..."bunny boiler" people wanting to breed and kill bunny rabbits to feed pet cats comments... ... that were not even CAT but DOG food related in the...
  4. Vegan Dogs

    Pet food animal consumption-5th largest/World!

    If our dogs and cats constituted their own country, they'd rank fifth in global meat consumption, behind only Russia, Brazil, China, and the United States. There’s no doubt that our furry friends are...
  5. Vegan Dogs

    Vegan Pet Foods. Cat Dog and Ferret Pet food.

    List of the World Wide Vegan Proven Pet Foods for Cats Dogs Ferrets. Vegan pet foods have been around for over 30 years (now in 2019) and never had any recalls ever of any of them. They sure would have had if there had been any reported cases linked to their diets. There have not been. The...
  6. Vegan Dogs

    Vegan cats age 20 years old examples

    Vegan Cats. Examples of living healthy thriving VEGAN FED CATS in the slideshow ! Healthy Vegan fed cats have lived to the long age of 20 years old. Those 2 in the picture that includes the Ginger cat with a Blackie cat eating with relish their UK Vegan catfood figured recently in 2018 on BBC...