Humane Meat?


Forum Legend
May 4, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
The shallow politically correct term "humane meat" irritates me right now. The worst part is that consumers actually buy into that nonscence.

I have an idea. The next time someone says humane meat, I will say, "Humane meat is just a marketing ploy. Buy the cheap stuff instead."

Please tell me if this is a good idea?
It is mostly a marketing ploy. Or maybe something worse.

But free-range or grass-fed cattle Do live a better life than feedlot beef. The last day of their life is the same, though.

I would encourage people who can afford it to buy free-range beef. Then the farmers could stop using feedlots.

The problem is that there just isn't enough grazing land to support a very large herd of cattle. I've tried to find the data in books and websites and the best that I could do was some back of the napkin math. we could only supply the US with about 3% of the current production of beef.

Eating free-range beef may be the next best thing to not eating beef at all.
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@ Luo

Thank you for your nuanced opinion. I will tone down my rhetoric.
It wouldn’t be sustainable for majority. People always like to use the excuse of “hey, they had a good life”.. right, by your standards. If the same was done to them, they wouldn’t be happy that when it came time for slaughter.
People conflate the price of vegan and omni diets. The truth is that the healthier omni diets that would involve the more expensive organic, free range grass munching cattle and chickens is more equal in cost to the more unhealthy processed vegan foods. The dollar menu and cafo meat and dairy that are more common in American diets is far closer in cost to a wfpb diet.

What I hope to see happen is having the comparison of Humane meat change peoples thinking about why we even bother to go through these convoluted steps for food. We aren't predators. All this feeding and breeding and raising and killing and processing and packaging. Making the distinction of how much it takes to raise animals in a way that would mimic how we'd get our food if we did hunt them ourselves might just open peoples eyes to how unnecessary it is when we could stop at farming vegetables. Vegetables, that can be grown in self sustaining organic high rise greenhouse, as well as on land.

A change is certainly coming. The mix of plant based meats is growing, as well as plant based sites that have zero to do with anything ethical and only focus on health. The research proving that plant based diets can prevent and reverse disease is becoming harder to argue.

Hopefully the land these humanely raised animals can be more easily turned into sanctuaries.

It is time to price the unneeded 'luxury' item of meat appropriately. We will see far more people change their minds
IMHO, I don't think "humane" meat is not really going anywhere. Everyone outside of the vegan community that is claiming to cut down on meat is doing it for health and/or environmental reasons. Hardly anyone but vegans are concerned with the animals. And vegans aren't going to buy humane meat.

But whatever reason, when people choose to eat less meat, that is good for the animals. And eating less meat is better for the animals, your health, and the environment than humane meat.

But @Hog, it might be worth pointing out to people that poultry and pork are never really humane. There are no free-range or grass-fed chickens or pigs (except for maybe in third world countries). There are cage-free chickens. but not really used at all in egg production. And the requirements for labeling poultry cafe-free vary from state to state. I think Califonia's laws are some of the best in the US but the label "cage-free" is almost meaningless.
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"I don't think 'humane' meat is not really going anywhere. Hardly anyone but vegans are concerned with the animals. And vegans aren't going to buy humane meat." --- Lou

Great point Lou. I seem to worry about the wrong things. The check is in the mail for the therapy session.

Maybe I should say:

I recall shoveling pig poop in freezing weather. The pigs were far from full grown. They seemed to all want to rub against me. Others would wipe their noses against my jeans. I speculated they were showing affection for me Then, I thought I am probably going to wind up eating one of these pigs.

Shovelling pig poop is one of my favorite memories. Cold temperatures makes pain from inhaling ammonia hardly noticable. I got a great workout. Plus, I got to touch real live pigs.
I volunteered most of my free time for a diversity of animal rights and "animal protection" groups for a number of years.

"Humane Meat" is a white wash, ******** label that doesn't mean anything significant for the animals.

The label is to ease the guilt ( for a fee ) of people who want to feel better about what they eat, but who don't want to bother with giving up meat.

No offense to anyone, that is just simply the bald truth.
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for the 1 percent of usa "free range" meat produced that is not the 99 percent factory farm produced meat....

1 million per year wild animals are killed ...

to protect this 1 percent free range livestock

wild going extinct lynx...wolves...even herbivores driven to death due to land needs for farm animals

so massive deaths involved besides the farm animals themselves

The number of idiots out there claiming they eat only free range pasture fed meat is amazing...when the reality is...only 1 percent of the 9 billion per year land animals killed for food in the usa are free range

They end up killed just the same horror....and cause the deaths of officially 1 million per year wild life but actually much more probably double as that 1 million per year is what the environment protection agencies kill to protect farmers

Cattle out grazing ? means wild life killed and driven off deaths as well as those farm animals lives taken.

Eat NO meat is the message