House cat or indoor rabbits?


Nov 22, 2017
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  1. Vegan newbie
I'm extremely stuck for choices, my Foster parents have told me to adopt a cat because they are easier to care for, but I know full well that I will spend every day feel guilty if I have to feed them meat. I understand that they need meat because I researched their dietary needs in depth.

Therefore, I'd never keep them Vegan. I know there are ways for Vegan cats to exist, but I simply haven't got enough money to afford it as a student. Therefore, the cat would have to be a carnivore.

I'm living in a spacious apartment in the future, moving out with my little buddy Anko, he's a Syrian hamster and he just turned One. He's been around my non-vegan carer's companion animals, the dogs, his entire life so he's used to the presence of a predator.

I love Anko to bits but he spends a lot of time sleeping, and like most hamsters, he prefers hiding and running around to sitting and letting you pet him every now and then. Don't get me wrong, he's lovely, and he loves eating vegetables! I just really want a larger animal because they live longer, and after my last two hamster buddies passing I think Anko will be my last, it just makes me too sad.

As it turns out, Indoor rabbits are actually very expensive, and destructive at times as well. I'm in college from 9am to around 3am on Mondays and Fridays, and in college from 9am to 1pm on Tuesdays. While cats spend most of this time asleep, I'm sure Rabbits are active pretty much most of the time. It'd cost me a total of over 1000 pounds a year to keep two House bunnies. That's really expensive for me.

I also have to consider the flats floors are mostly carpet, and the sofas are fabric. The only tiles areas are the hallway and bathroom, both being narrow and too dangerous for a rabbits enclosure to be in. I still feel like it's possible, but with the price and time they'll be alone, I don't know. I will be able to get two rabbits, were as I can only get one cat. These are the rules set by the landlord sadly, so there's no way I can alter that. I haven't asked him if I can have a cat and rabbit living with me but I doubt that's going to happen.

I have researched into it a lot, I know there's spray and stuff you can use. The main issue with owning rabbits is time and the cost. If I got bunnies, they'd 100% be adopts so they won't be those lively little babies, I actually prefer mature friends to be honest, babies are just too much for me! ^-^

Cats are different though. I can easily afford a cat, and they're a little bit more independent and less prone to falling than rabbits. I wouldn't be able to keep a vegan cat as said above, but I'd keep his diet to fish, and some vitamins just in case. I love fish so much, my favourite meat eater food was sushi as a matter of fact, but I gave it up in a flash after learning about how sentient they are.

I just feel like, as sad as it is, Mammals and birds are slaughtered a lot more painfully than fish. It can't be called the lesser of two evils, because both are absolutely heart breaking. I just have no choice if I have a cat, I'd rather feed them fish than cows, pigs, chickens and sheep.

I really am stuck for choices, I do think I know a lot more about Cats than Rabbits. I'm unable to live without a companion animal by my side, because I took this Vegan transition a lot worse than I expected, and I became even more anxious. I already had anxiety, but since animals have always been there for me, I could never get a room mate or something.

Please help me out, sorry for the long post.
Hi Nathan,

First of all let me say that I’m really jealous of you. If you want to know why see my thread under General: In praise of youth.

I am going to suggest another way forward and would love to hear what you think.

I would be unhappy about the idea keeping of largish animals in a flat. Think of it from the animal’s point of view. For rabbits to be content they need a substantial area to run around in. And the happy cat is the one that has easy access to the outside.

There is no reason to rush into a decision that might not be the best one. And, as a young person, you don’t know how your circumstances might change in even the near future. For the moment I would concentrate on giving your hamster a happy life.

I'm unable to live without a companion animal by my side

If you want to connect with other animals there might be a rescue centre nearby where I’m sure they would welcome an offer of voluntary work from a young adult. Or, you could try advertising yourself as a dog walker and earn an extra penny or two into the bargain. Busy dog owners love to see their pets exercised on their own rather than in groups of half a dozen or more (there are some real horror stories about that) which is necessary if the walker wants to make a decent living from it.

If you don't have the time or the money for the rabbits then don't get them. I have a cat and I have no problem feeding her what she needs. She was a rescue. I found her in a barn abandoned and very skinny. She's terrified of the outside so there's no problem with that. She is low maintenance. She cuddles with me sometimes when she wants to and sleeps with me at night. We play with her and take care of her. She is independent. A lot of cats will come to you when they want attention. You shouldn't feel bad for giving your pet what they need. I feel that's like feeling horrible that animals eat other animals. It's what they need to survive. Do keep in mind though that cats can live over 20 years old so be prepared to take care of him or her for that long. I've had my girl for 9 years now and she's between 9-11 years old.

There are also vet visits to consider. There are vaccinations and check ups that might be needed along with sickness that might occur. I would consider your options for awhile before you make a decision.
I think that it is cruel to keep a cat indoors, they love the outdoors. Rabbits also love to run about and they only live to approx 8 years old. I had house rabbits {their hutch and food was in the house}but they had the run of the house and also ran about in the garden, all animals deserve freedom. I agree with roger jolly, charity work with animals would be so rewarding and lots of free cuddles!
I'm extremely stuck for choices, my Foster parents have told me to adopt a cat because they are easier to care for, but I know full well that I will spend every day feel guilty if I have to feed them meat. I understand that they need meat because I researched their dietary needs in depth.

Therefore, I'd never keep them Vegan. I know there are ways for Vegan cats to exist, but I simply haven't got enough money to afford it as a student. Therefore, the cat would have to be a carnivore.

I'm living in a spacious apartment in the future, moving out with my little buddy Anko, he's a Syrian hamster and he just turned One. He's been around my non-vegan carer's companion animals, the dogs, his entire life so he's used to the presence of a predator.

I love Anko to bits but he spends a lot of time sleeping, and like most hamsters, he prefers hiding and running around to sitting and letting you pet him every now and then. Don't get me wrong, he's lovely, and he loves eating vegetables! I just really want a larger animal because they live longer, and after my last two hamster buddies passing I think Anko will be my last, it just makes me too sad.

As it turns out, Indoor rabbits are actually very expensive, and destructive at times as well. I'm in college from 9am to around 3am on Mondays and Fridays, and in college from 9am to 1pm on Tuesdays. While cats spend most of this time asleep, I'm sure Rabbits are active pretty much most of the time. It'd cost me a total of over 1000 pounds a year to keep two House bunnies. That's really expensive for me.

I also have to consider the flats floors are mostly carpet, and the sofas are fabric. The only tiles areas are the hallway and bathroom, both being narrow and too dangerous for a rabbits enclosure to be in. I still feel like it's possible, but with the price and time they'll be alone, I don't know. I will be able to get two rabbits, were as I can only get one cat. These are the rules set by the landlord sadly, so there's no way I can alter that. I haven't asked him if I can have a cat and rabbit living with me but I doubt that's going to happen.

I have researched into it a lot, I know there's spray and stuff you can use. The main issue with owning rabbits is time and the cost. If I got bunnies, they'd 100% be adopts so they won't be those lively little babies, I actually prefer mature friends to be honest, babies are just too much for me! ^-^

Cats are different though. I can easily afford a cat, and they're a little bit more independent and less prone to falling than rabbits. I wouldn't be able to keep a vegan cat as said above, but I'd keep his diet to fish, and some vitamins just in case. I love fish so much, my favourite meat eater food was sushi as a matter of fact, but I gave it up in a flash after learning about how sentient they are.

I just feel like, as sad as it is, Mammals and birds are slaughtered a lot more painfully than fish. It can't be called the lesser of two evils, because both are absolutely heart breaking. I just have no choice if I have a cat, I'd rather feed them fish than cows, pigs, chickens and sheep.

I really am stuck for choices, I do think I know a lot more about Cats than Rabbits. I'm unable to live without a companion animal by my side, because I took this Vegan transition a lot worse than I expected, and I became even more anxious. I already had anxiety, but since animals have always been there for me, I could never get a room mate or something.

Please help me out, sorry for the long post.
hello didnt read all yr post will do later as just in...but stopped at 2 things u wrote that i read...1st u said u had researched in depth and thought cats couldnt be i suggest not enough as i run a cats and dogs vegan is up to date info and links...2nd point u made was u did know cats could be vegan but couldnt afford the vegan food for them

excuse me but i need to tell u that vegan or not catfood and it is the same price roughly u have to buy catfood u cant home cook it to feed a cat it needs specially synthetic taurine in it for starters...

all catfood vegan or not has synthetic taurine in it i add

hope that helps

if u cant afford catfood i suggest yes a rabbit...if u r in the uk veggiepets do benevo uk made vegan catfood i add very good prices ...links and info here...