TV & Film Your least favorite overrated movies

I could be wrong, but I think being from Idaho made me like Napoleon Dynamite more that I would have if I weren't from Idaho. :shrug:
I liked Napoleon Dynamite as well but then again I spent a lot of years working in and around Idaho so maybe my sense of reality is warped. :p
Skyfall, as much as I like Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem and Judi Dench, the plot just wasn't captivating.
Skyfall, as much as I like Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem and Judi Dench, the plot just wasn't captivating.

:sob:My only criticism was that it was a little too long, I think they could have shaved about 15 minutes off the film.
There Will Be Blood is a cinematic masterpiece.

My contribution: The Godfather.
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I like the Godfather films, I even liked the third one!

One film I despised was Shakespeare in Love. It was so dull.

Any/all of the Paranormal films.

I love those films. They really frighten me.:p
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One film I despised was Shakespeare in Love. It was so dull.

What are you, some kind of Shakespeare snob? :p One of my favorite movies.

My contribution: Out of Africa, from 1985, with Robert Redford and Meryl Streep, directed by Sidney Pollack, it won the Oscar for Best Picture. And I HATED every minute of it. "In 20th century colonial Kenya, a Danish baroness/plantation owner has a passionate love affair with a free-spirited big-game hunter."

There are so many things wrong with that.
And it's also very dull. :p
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ET, I just do not remember liking that movie and I do not want to watch it again to see why.
I only saw E.T. for the first time when I was about 22. Drew Barrymore was so cute.:D

What are you, some kind of Shakespeare snob? :p One of my favorite movies.

My contribution: Out of Africa, from 1985, with Robert Redford and Meryl Streep, directed by Sidney Pollack, it won the Oscar for Best Picture. And I HATED every minute of it. "In 20th century colonial Kenya, a Danish baroness/plantation owner has a passionate love affair with a free-spirited big-game hunter."
There are so many things wrong with that.
And it's also very dull. :p

Haha, no, I've actually seen some badly performed Shakespeare plays over the years too, I find Gwyneth Paltrow very bland. I agree with you on Out of Africa, I watched some of it when I was younger and I thought it was boring!
I have the worst time sitting through movies that are over two- two and half hours. It can be the best movie ever, but after two hours I get distracted or I fall asleep.
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love Napoleon Dynamite. and his brother.

another least favorite overrated movie is American Beauty.

Same here, did not care for American Beauty. Didn't find it edgy or provocative, just dull and boring.

My least favorite, over-rated film is Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. I did not laugh once. Don't understand what people found humorous about it.
another one is Inception.
too many dang layers of dreams going down to keep track of. and OMG, was that top spinning at the end? did it wobble? did it not? ffs who cared, by then?

My least favorite, over-rated film is Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. I did not laugh once. Don't understand what people found humorous about it.
haven't seen this one yet, but when i do, will report back here. :p
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Any and all of the superhero movies. For the last time, it's the story that makes a movie interesting (something most superhero movies lack), not just the hardware.

Any movie with Brad Pitt in it.

Any movie with Tom Cruise in it, with the possible exception of Rain Man.
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