What is my malfunction? Why is this so hard for me?

Shyvas, I agree. That would be amazing!

Alice-Bee, thankfully my daughter is 16 and not at all a picky eater. Since he'll eat just about anything and she can cook for herself if she doesn't like what I make that part is far less complicated!
One thing I do when lazy is to buy the soups in a carton, ie mushroom soup, corn chowder etc... boil up some quinoa, rice or past and put in the soup, or beans.... very quick and lazy.
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Do you have any friends who are looking to eat a healthier diet but are having a hard time with the convenience like you? A healthy non-vegetarian diet doesn't look drastically different than a healthy vegetarian diet. You and your friend could split the cooking and share the food. It's often easier to do something with company on the journey.
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I loooovve, Huddle House. Have you tried asking for all the veg that they put in omelets to be put in hashbrowns?

That's a good point. I need to drag out my slow cooker. I also should look at buying a smaller one. I have this HUGE 7qt Kitchen Aid and I love it, but it is really too big for some of the smaller "meals for one" that I should be making. I think I'll head to Wal-Mart before school and look for a smaller one. I also have to find my vegetarian slow cooker cook book ... I have one somewhere. Now to just hope that I didn't lend it to someone. LOL

Don't forget, as mentioned above, that you can freeze some of it for future meals, if you make a large batch.
Wondering how it's going, SquarePeg...
I'm not one for fussing much in the kitchen, either. When I figure out something I like to eat, I often make a lot of it and freeze several servings, and then thaw them out before I want them. (My memory isn't the greatest, so I apologize if I suggested this to you before...)
I'm LAZY too!!! Somehow I went vegan pretty easily though. First step: watch Earthlings (http://www.earthlings.com). So much more traumatic than Forks over Knives. Once your system is good and shocked, you might be so lazy that you wont even lift a finger to buy non-veg items at the supermarket. I know I was. Then proceed to make the laziest meals ever. Sandwiches with pre-washed salad greens and faux meat. Beans and rice made in a rice cooker (beans out of a can) and plop in a cube of veggie bouillon for flavour. Bean/lentil stew with a mish-mash of any ol veggies....So many delicious lazy options.
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I just signed on here, and this looks like as good a thread as any to jump in with a first post. I'm also in Alabama, and I became a vegetarian last year. I live in Birmingham though, so my options are probably a bit better than the OP's. The thing that really helped me out was learning to how plan my meals in advance and figuring out some recipes that are really easy to throw together after a day at the office. In terms of eating out, ethnic restaurants are your friend. Even in rural Alabama, I would imagine that there are a few Mexican places around.

1. Eating out makes you poor.
2. Hispanic and Asian grocery stores are your friend.
3. If you're lazy, buy a crock pot and/or a rice cooker with a steamer. Both make easy one-pot meals.
4. If you're lazy, make larger meals, throw the leftovers in the freezer/fridge, and microwave them later for a quick meal.