Hello there - well , l think it is obvious , isn't it ? If you want to pass your school exams and graduate , you will have to do your schoolwork .. I think it is excessive to spend " every single waking hour" researching veganism , etc., and what , may l ask you , is the hurry ? If you are already living as a vegan , eating lots of vegetables , fruit , whole grains , nuts and seeds , etc ., then you can slow down your research and just focus on passing your exams .. Just make sure you are eating a wide variety of nutritious foods , include a B12 supplement , and when your exams are over , then you can do more research if you feel like it ..
Try not to be obsessive about anything , including veganism .. Do you have that tendency , l wonder ? You are obviously young - there's plenty of time to educate yourself on your lifestyle choices . You don't have to be perfect - just do your best ..
If our intentions are good and we know our own heart and inner Truth , and do not cause deliberate harm to any being , then we are being the most peaceful and loving human we can be ..
Be loving and kind to yourself , as well . Give yourself the time and space to pass those exams , and then you can move on .. After that , perhaps you can also focus on things that you are interested in ?
Wishing you joy and love and peace , from Blissful xo