Can eggs be vegan-friendly?

There are worse foods, but they are never vegan, but they can be friendly-er then factory farmed.
I guess so. But I suppose I am not very much interested in people being "vegans", as I have said before. I think expecting people to adopt a super strict lifestyle is a bridge too far and explains the generally poor uptake of genuine ethical veganism. Given that veganism has been a thing for about 80 years, the fact that genuine ethical vegans remain stubbornly around 2-5% of any population suggests failure at garnering general buy-in. I am much more interested in the idea that people are encouraged to makie the changes they feel comfortable making and focus on education and encouragement. .....
@Graeme M I've only quoted the paragraph to which I'm replying.

I think you are correct that many people balk at veganism because they judge it to be too restrictive. I've lost count of the number of vegetarians who mention cheese as a food they would be unable to give up. But I became pescatarian back in the summer of 1968, vegetarian a bit less that 4 years later, and something in-between vegetarian and vegan more recently... maybe around 25 years ago. I was fortunate to have family and friends who understood why I was doing it, and were sympathetic and supportive, even though they did not choose that path themselves. But- the options we have now!!!... Impossible Burgers! Vegan milk substitutes that taste as good as the real thing- but without either the cruelty or the saturated fat! (although I'd like them to lose the titanium dioxide coloring... maybe they have by now?...) "Just Egg" vegan egg substitute! Vegan hot dogs (which I haven't gotten around to trying because I was always on Team Burger, though I ate hot dogs in my pre-veg days when they were served)! And... yes... vegan substitutes for fish- which might have shortened my transition from pesco to full vegetarian if they'd been available back then (because I've tried them, and they're quite satisfying).

Some of the newer foods I mention might not be suitable for everyone- for instance, people who must avoid soyfoods. But even then, there are options: I usually drink soymilk, but there was at least one non-animal "milk"- "Vegelicious", made partly from potatoes!!.. which was quite satisfying, taste-wise, although it wasn't nearly as close to cow's milk nutritionally as the soy options have been.

I don't know if pescatarianism, let alone veganism, will ever be the lifestyle of the majority. But we can support options that make them easier.
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