Being a vegan gardener brings about a lot of interesting conundrums. Getting the soil nutrition you need without using animal-based soil amendments can be hard. Animal manure, blood meal, bone meal, feather meal, fish emulsion, the list of commonly used animal-based amendments goes on and on. There are garden shops in my area that carry "vegan mix" fertilizer and plant-based compost, but using these the soil health in my garden is still not great and my veggies don't produce that well. Then there's the question of keeping away all the critters that like to eat your garden, from insects to rabbits to deer. And MOLES, who make a gargantuan mess out of my entire yard every year. I've tried every humane method out there to encourage them to find somewhere else to hang out, and they've all failed.
The weird thing about all of it is, for most of the year when my garden is dormant, I buy my produce at the farmers' market or the supermarket, which means I'm paying someone else to use pesticides and animal-based soil amendments on their farm. I've toured and visited a lot of local organic farms, and they also use kill-traps for rabbits and by proxy I'm paying for that lovely practice as well, if I buy vegetables at their farm stand. But if you follow that train of thought too far, the only way to be a good vegan is to starve!
My advice is, find some environmentally friendly/organic products to eliminate or reduce pests in your garden. It's a necessary evil in food production. Every time you buy an apple at the store (even if it's an organic apple), you are contributing to the use of you might as well do what you need to succeed at growing veggies at home.