Top Scientist Says Humans Will Be Extinct In Just 100 Years

Unless I missed something, the article didn't offer any support or basis for it's doomsday timline.

When such a statement is made, there really needs to be hard numbers behind it, or it's just scare mongering.

Also, the article says 100 years, but the graph ends at 2025 which is 10 years away....
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Fenner died in 2010 so it's confusing why they'd post this recently. I expect you'll have a much smaller population in 100 years, but even I don't expect humans to go extinct. I also expect nuclear weapons to be used as the population starts dropping. It's hard to say whether the planet would benefit.
i think we will kill the earth or ourselves or both if we don't change. the earth can't sustain non-vegan eating much longer. my hope is this leads to a vegan world even if my necessity and not choice ;)