Too many potatoes, need healthy recipes?


Deleted member 2740

So I'm a newer vegan (older vegetarian), and I accidentally got a little too excited at the store, and bought a big bag of baking potatoes on sale, as well as two smaller bags of small variety potatoes. I should not have bought this many potatoes, because I have no clue what to do with them. The three other members of my household are not touching carbs at all right now, so potatoes are a no no for them. And I'm morbidly obese and trying to get serious about weight loss and health (not the reason I went vegan, though).

I need some healthy recipes for potatoes, preferably ones I could make that would be a good bulk recipe, so I can make a lot for lunches. Most of the recipes I've been finding online are not necessarily healthy. I'd be very happy for any recipes or ideas! Thanks for all your help! :)
Try gnocchi. You need flour, some olive oil and potatoes. Make them, boil them have a little tomato sauce or lemon, oregano, basil and olive oil for a sauce. I usually make the gnocchi and keep it in separate tupper ware from the sauce. Then put some sauce on them in the morning before work. Wont get too soggy. I've also have made them dusted them with a little flour so they don't stick together and froze.
1) Roast potato slices in the oven along with onions instead of frying them. You can use lighter oil by spraying it from a spray bottle instead of pouring it. Or you could brush tahini on instead. Or skip the oil and tahini and use spices like garlic, salt and pepper, or rosemary, or Italian parsley. It's actually great to eat potatoes with Italian parsley and salt, then squeeze lemon juice on after you get them out of the oven Bake at 400 F for 30-40 minutes or until the crispness you desire.

2) Eat baked potatoes/jacket potatoes topped with a nutritional yeast cheese sauce (make a roux from a tbsp of flour and a tbsp of oil or Earth Balance, whisk or stir briskly over medium heat with fork until starts to brown, add 1 cup soy milk and stir vigorously, add 1/2 cup nutritional yeast, stir occasionally as it starts to thicken - flavor with salt and pepper, can also add tumeric and garlic powder for more flavor, or smoked paprika) and add steamed broccoli
....or combine the nooch sauce with black beans, corn, your favorite salsa and avocado for a SouthWestern style potato.

There are also oil-free nutritional yeast sauces you can search on Pinterest, but this recipe I gave you literally has a spoonful of oil.
Don't like the idea of the nutritional yeast cheese sauce? Try a baked potato with A-1 sauce, sauteed mushrooms and onions (can sautee in water if desired), and pan-seared seitan or warm beefless crumbles. I don't know if you are in the U.S. or UK but if UK then maybe HP sauce is better for you than A-1.

3) You can make an oil-free vegan potato salad with avocado. This is probably one you could make more, refrigerate, and eat for two or three lunches. Boil or steam two pounds of potatoes until softened. If using large potatoes slice or quarter, if small potatoes cut in half. In a large mixing bowl combine 1 mashed avocado, 1 lime or lemon squeezed for juice, 1/2 tsp smoked paprika, 1 tbsp Dijon or grain mustard (your choice), toss potatoes until well covered. Then add as much fresh dill and chopped scallions/green onion as you desire. Salt and pepper to taste. If you are a big fan of onion you could add half a diced red onion, but I personally think it's too much with the dill and scallions. You can also add chopped celery. Some recipes recommend adding sweetener, I do not, especially if you are trying to eat healthier. If you do like sweetness, maple syrup or blue agave nectar are much better than using sugar. You could also use a dash of stevia.

4) Vegan borscht. I love borscht. It takes forever to make though, and beets are hell to peel, but if you made a huge batch in a huge soup pot (or a double batch in two pots or more) then you would do all the work in one day and could eat it for days, then freeze some for later.

You need (per pot, can double for freezing):

3 beets, peeled and chopped (you're going to hate this, you might want to wear rubber gloves, but they're CRUCIAL)
4 baking potatoes, scrubbed and sliced or diced
1 head of cabbage, shredded well
1 red or yellow onion, diced
1 turnip or parsnip, peeled and chopped (optional)
3-4 carrots, peeled and sliced (optional)
3-4 quarts of veggie broth
3 minced cloves of garlic
1 can of tomato paste
1 or 2 lemons
Fresh dill
vegan sour cream (like Tofutti, optional, but very tasty)
salt and pepper
olive, canola or grapeseed oil for sauteeing veggies

In a large skillet or medium pot, sautee onion and cabbage in a tbsp or two of oil over medium heat until they start to "sweat." Remove from heat. Add 3 quarts veggie broth (or water) to a separate large soup pot and add beets, turnip, and/or parsnip, bring to a boil then turn to medium, cover and cook for about 15 minutes. Stir. Add potatoes and carrots and cook for another 15 minutes. Stir. (If need more broth or water add 1/2 to 1 qt more). Add sauteed onion and cabbage, as well as the can of tomato paste, to the soup pot and cook for an additional 10 minutes. Turn off heat and remove pot from burner. Add the minced garlic, and squeeze the juice of 1 or 2 lemons into the soup pot and stir well.

Use the dill, vegan sour cream, and salt and pepper when serving individual portions. If you don't like dill you can use parsley. If you think it's healthier, you could use plain unsweetened soy yogurt instead of vegan sour cream.

This is one of my favorite things to eat in the world. You can also add a can of diced or stewed tomatoes along with the tomato paste (don't forget the tomato paste!) if you really love tomatoes. You can add celery or any root vegetable you like. Beets and potatoes are the main priority though, so it's perfect for having lots of potatoes. If you must, you can also toss in vegan meatless crumbles or beefless chunks, but I don't recommend it unless you really crave that.
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Hello Magmalchemy!

Welcome to the forum. One of the simple things I do with potatoes (about 500gm worth) sometimes is to cut them into strips (like fries) or discs, and mix them with a spice blend in a plastic bag.

One of the simple spice blends I use is:

1/2 small/medium onion, chopped
1 small/medium clove of garlic, chopped
Enough soy sauce just to cover in a small blender (or water with desired salt)
A few shakes of Rosemary spice.
*A small amount of olive oil (optional)

Blend well. Taste test. If liked, add spice mixture and cut potatoes to the plastic bag with the twist or tie to keep everything in, then shake the bag well until everything is covered.

Add the seasoned potatoes to no stick pan and cook under medium heat, covered until done.

*Oil is optional. It will not help you lose weight, as it is super calorie dense and doesn't contribute hardly at all to feeling full like bulk foods and fiber rich foods will. So use sparingly or not at all.


Also for a few recipes and encouragment I would suggest This guy went for an entire year on almost entirely spuds and a few spices (no oil) in order to clean his body and lose weight. You can get 5 free recipes by providing a name and email. I did that and they all look good (and they are all vegan).
You could make a vegan shepard's pie with lentils, brussel sprouts (or whatever other veggie you want) and top it with mashed potatoes. I also like roasted potatoes with a melody of veggies and herbs.
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I like potatoe in different cooking options. Some of them you can watch on "Vegetarium" channel (Youtube)
- Potatoes - 800g
- Flour 250g (1.5 cups)
- 2 tbsp. of water
- Soy curd (tofu) - 200g
- Onion - 2 pieces
- Vegetable oil for frying - about 10-12 tbsp.
- Breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.
- Salt, pepper (to taste)

Boil clean unpeeled potatoes. Peel and mash. Add salt, flour,water, knead the dough.
Cut and mash tofu. Cut the onions. Fry until golden brown. Add the tofu and breadcrumbs. Mix well. Add salt and pepper (to taste).
Divide the dough into flat cakes. Put the stuffing. Form a cutlet. Add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil on the preheated frying pan. Put the croquettes on a frying pan and fry on both sides.
Potato croquettes with tofu stuffing are ready!
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Hi Nadezhda, welcome to the forum :)

Please keep in mind that while other-than-vegan persons are welcome, most people come here for vegan support, or curiosity about veganism. As diet is a large part of what it means to be vegan, food suggestions, including ingredients in recipes should be animal free.
