The Iraq war

I don't think I believed it, but truthfully I'm not sure I remember. I do remember them trying to claim Saddam Hussein somehow supported al-Queda, in order to justify the war, and I remember I didn't fall for that.
I didn't. I think GWB wanted to believe it, because he had some complicated daddy issue that made him want to go to war with Iraq, and the people who were urging him on had their own motivations.
I never read anything about what polls said during this time. This was around the time I was starting to get into politics more, but I don't remember much else about my beliefs other than the fact that I was against the Iraq war. My gut feeling is I didn't believe them.
I was in the UK when the Iraq war started, and I remember a poll being taken and the results were 60% against the war, 20% for the war and 20% unsure. So the majority of people in England were against the war but their voices were ignored and the war was started even after this poll was taken.
I also was in a protest march in London against starting the Iraq war, which was enormous. On the day people were saying there were one million people out on the streets at the march, and the aerial photographs indicated that, but the police said it was only 750,000 people in the crowd... I still think to this day that it was one million.
I also was in a protest march in London against starting the Iraq war, which was enormous. On the day people were saying there were one million people out on the streets at the march, and the aerial photographs indicated that, but the police said it was only 750,000 people in the crowd... I still think to this day that it was one million.
I have been in many anti-war protests for various wars over the years (and attacks/bombings/shock&awe, whatever they want to call it,) some protests big and some small, but none that large. :)
It was really large, and the news media tried to downplay the size and scope of it. My parents saw it on the news in New Zealand though. It was such an epic day, it is an amazing experience to be in a crowd of one million people of many ages and cultures, all calling for peace and an end to war. And it was a cold February day, the crowd may have been even larger if the weather was warmer.
There were protests all over the world that day. Even bigger in Italy which had 3 million and Spain which had 1.5 million. People really do not want war but governments never listen.
I always knew it was the plan of the Illuminati (who are alien lizard people) to control the sheeple.

If you disagree with this, you are still believing the lies.
There were protests all over the world that day. Even bigger in Italy which had 3 million and Spain which had 1.5 million. People really do not want war but governments never listen.
Oddly Americans seem much more pro-war than other countries. There has to be a reason for that.
There were a lot of people in the US who were against those wars but they were ignored too.
Iraq War 15th Anniversary: 1 Million Dead, No One Held Accountable
