Supper/Dinner Time ! What's on the menu? 2018

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An Asian Noodle Bowl from the Green Gourmet Café in Midland - (thanks to my folks who went to Mount Pleasant today... Midland is between here & there)....


Soba noodles (hidden on bottom), edamame, roasted red peppers, shredded carrots, marinated mushrooms, blanched broccoli, cashews, & sesame-ginger sauce (side)....

I'm not sure how hungry I'll be tonight... sometimes I don't eat even half of what I bring to Jerry's, other times I wish I had brought more food with me. So, just in case I'm extra hungry, I'll pick up a Kashi Creamy Cashew Noodle Bowl (many of the same ingredients/flavors).... ;)

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I am having buffalo seitan nuggets and and baked fries. Total comfort food day, haha.
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A black bean burger wrap with onions, pickles, mustard, ketchup and relish with a side of roasted rosemary potatoes. My mom gave me fresh rosemary from her plant. So delicious.
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I really had no clue until about five minutes ago, then I looked around the kitchen & the wheels starting turning....

I'm going to roast the two red bell peppers I bought so cheaply, but in slices... also going to roast my leftover onion (sliced).... I still have some of the kale-antro/almond pesto left... I took my remaining Flatout rosemary-olive oil Foldit flatbreads out of the freezer to thaw.... and I have my choice of Daiya mozzarella (shreds) or cheddar (slices & shreds)....

So, I'm thinkin' a "cheesy" roasted red pepper sandwich on grilled flatbread. :)
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I really had no clue until about five minutes ago, then I looked around the kitchen & the wheels starting turning....

I'm going to roast the two red bell peppers I bought so cheaply, but in slices... also going to roast my leftover onion (sliced).... I still have some of the kale-antro/almond pesto left... I took my remaining Flatout rosemary-olive oil Foldit flatbreads out of the freezer to thaw.... and I have my choice of Daiya mozzarella (shreds) or cheddar (slices & shreds)....

So, I'm thinkin' a "cheesy" roasted red pepper sandwich on grilled flatbread. :)
Amended. It's gonna be angel hair pasta instead... still with the roasted peppers & onions, but also adding the rest of my frozen chopped broccoli (to pasta water) and some of those tasty Zima grape tomatoes (sliced or quartered, haven't decided yet) to the finished dish.... ;)

I did buy flatbread wraps, but this is gonna be much less effort.... it's trash day tomorrow, so I'm warm from hauling sh*t to the curb.... LOL :rolleyes:

But a "new" pasta dish! I eat pasta all the time, but haven't had quite this combo before.... and I get to use more of my walnut-parm! :lick:
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I am having pesto pasta with tomato-basil salad on top and some red wine. I made my first batch of pesto from my own basil plant (plus some leaves from my mom's plant). Happy, happy!
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Amy's roasted vegetable no-cheese pizza... with many of my own additions. ;)

This is what it looks like beforehand (not my pic, but sadly accurate)....


Yeah, pretty pathetic for the price. :confused: And their sauce is some sort of balsamic crap & I hate balsamic anything. :yuck: LOL

But I added some spices, Daiya mozzarella, slices of roasted yellow squash & onion, a bit more Daiya, my last 3 sliced Zima tomatoes, & walnut-parm....

Yesterday I made peanut noodles in the Instant Pot (really? no one has one here yet?)
I chopped onion, peppers, celery, and minced garlic, and ginger
Mixed a big scoop of PB, hot chili paste (sambal),rice vinegar, and enough water to thin.
Added everything to pot, topped with whole grain spaghetti, and covered with water
Hi pressure for 3 minutes, natural release
I had thawed broccoli and added when pressure came down so it just heated through
My favorite recipe!
I also found I really like DeCeccos whole grain bronze cut pasta. Seems to absorb sauce more than others
Basmati rice risotto with yeast and seasoning, beet salad, korean-style pressed soy fiber, korean-style shredded carrots, pickled bear's garlic.
For the night and the morning meals, (as they are the rudiments of my supper): giant gooseberries, strawberries, raw pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, tunisian dates, green apples, greek yougurts, marshwort juice and spinach pies.:drool:
Sauteed carrots, mushrooms, onions, celery, broccoli with minced garlic and ginger while rice noodles softened up in hot water. Made a spicy peanut sauce with PB, ginger garlic paste, tamarind paste, and hot water.
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