Save the food


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
My nephew just told me about a website he and his company helped build (for free) for the National Resouces Defense Council.

Its called Save the Food.

"Food is being wasted at an alarming rate. And we - consumers - are the largest source of it. More than grocery stores and restaurants combined. But there's good news: we can do something about it. Everything we need is right here (and in our fridges)."

This website pretty much has all the tools we need to tackle food waste in our homes. Lots of tips and tricks plus a really cool meal panner.
I guess your nephew isn't a vegan. I see a lot of animal products in various sections.

I think simply by going vegan + every one that has a little land to farm can go a long ways. I used to throw out inedible veggies, rotten fruit, peels, etc. Now all of it, even sauce remnants from containers I wash, goes out into the garden or into a compost bucket. I'm not wasting any food. One can only really do this with plant matter, meat will add pathogens.
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I've noticed that the produce section at my local small supermarket has been putting the slightly flawed items out with the regular items. They even left the ripe pears out. The cashier looked at me funny when she saw my a little soft pears. I took them home and ate them right away. At the stage that supermarkets throw them away is the perfect time for eating. I hate buying pears and leaving them to ripen for a week.

The oranges had some dings, and people were buying them. I purposely dug through the produce to find the "less than perfect" produce. A little spot on cucumber or zucchini shouldn't stop us.

Over at Wal-Mart they had a stack of individual bananas selling for a reduced price by the cash registers. I asked when they would get in the smaller Patti Pies, and they said when they finished selling the Family Size ones.

The stores are finally starting to look at food waste.
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